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2013-05-27 06:30:56

-- on the problem of consciousness, ability training
a strange
there is such a thing: the end of 1998, an American science education delegation to visit Shanghai. Reception staff to arrange them in focus of a prestigious school to a physics class in high school the first grade. In the classroom teaching, teachers teaching purpose, flexible teaching, teacher questions, students answer, the bilateral activities between teachers and students is quite active, with very understanding. The very next day, please visit reception group to talk about impressions,, answer to make their unexpectedly: "since the student teacher's questions can be answered,, especially students and no problems,,, it does this class?"
in the class, we often see such a scenario: the teacher's questioning pattern, what "Review asked", "new grant asked",, "consolidation",, asked "asked",, "questioning", a set of a ring,, ask a question, the teacher always contained a head problem into the classroom, dominated by the "indoctrination" mutate into a dominant "ask", students from the main body of the "known" became the main "answer"......
the famous educator Neal porstmann said: "when school children are like a question mark,, graduated as a full stop." Contact the above phenomenon, we should reflect on: why our teaching not students develop the habit of asking questions, teach students how to use different ways of thinking, improve thinking ability,, but only in accordance with the teacher, the book says,, the book written to rote learning? This only focusing on the specific problem solving instruction, while neglect the students' training of thinking,, in other words, only to the "answer" training and ignore the "training and guidance to ask" phenomenon, in the process of teaching is the universal existence. The result is that our students are afraid of asking questions, not ask questions,, dare not brave to challenge the authority of the teacher, the authority of the textbook, which has lost most of the imagination and creativity.
"innovation" is the basic requirement of the personnel training, and "innovation ability" comes from the innovation education. "Innovation education" from the classroom teaching, how to make the classroom into the main position of training students' innovation ability? I think we should train students "problem consciousness", "ability" to start.
, how to cultivate the students' problem consciousness
proved the creative ability of the students, often have a strong consciousness of the problem, have "paranoid", "good question", "think" thinking quality. At the same time,,, scientists study shows that: Children's creative thinking is much better than adults. Students are in the best period in the development of innovative thinking, teachers should combine their characteristics,, strengthen the cultivation of problem consciousness, so that they gradually develop good thinking quality.
1, the creation of the problem situation,, active student thinking, evoked diligent thinking.
diligent thinking is the premise of questions. In the classroom, teachers should carefully to create situations of students, and through appropriate, clever advice, guide,we must actively se, encourage students to new in order to be different, fantastic >
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