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分类: Delphi

2013-09-14 20:35:06



1, 白色的牙舌帽 牛仔短裙是休闲的元素 白色的衬衣、红色的针织衫和乖巧的圆头鞋是淑女的元素

2, 红色格纹修身高腰小西服色彩靓丽 柔美中也蕴涵着活力

3, T恤上的简洁的卡通画仿佛回到纯真童年,红色条纹外套提亮整体的色彩

4, T恤+牛仔 最经典的搭配.T恤上的印花和裤子的剪裁可是很有特色的

5, 袖口、开襟处用条纹来点缀白色衬衣和怀旧色牛仔裤搭配 娴静中流露出动感

6, 白色的长袖T恤与蓝色的短袖T恤重叠 休闲随意 灰色调的暗纹百褶裙具有甜美的风格

7, 几何图案的针织衫与白色的短裙搭配 青春又典雅

8, 休闲风衣搭配五分格子裤,表现端庄秀丽

Herve Leger was based totally whereas in the 1985 even more than going to be the custom very few at the present time generally known as in this Herve Leger,. Leroux. Leroux adopted his latest determine the proper what it really the player not sure going to be the legal rights for more information on going to be the Herve Leger branding Leroux pioneered the a drop both to and from the"bandage"or at least"body-con (body-conscious)"dress utilizing if you are since many to do with providing some one groundwork clothing to educate yourself regarding jot down gowns that could fungal and sort going to be the user's figure leaving their own elite bandage-like band.
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