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2013-09-05 11:33:45

Bryant has been playing the wrist fixed Brown said Fei Xia expected to play opener after the MRI examination, the Lakers core Bryant - Bryant's right wristinjury was diagnosed months triangular ligament tear, and thus he missed today's second preseason game with the Clippers, he sidelines wrist has been marked fixed, concern for the outside world can play the Lakers and Bulls Bryant Christmas opener, coach Mike - Brown said it is possible, but come get a doctor's permission.  Bryant is the Lakers and Clippers in the first playoff injured. At that time the game to the third quarter, Bryant tried to dunk, was the Clippers center Dean De - Jordan blocks, Bryant fell to the ground, hold for a moment to the wrist. But the Lakers on the 24th quickly got up into the game which. He said after the game felt "okay." After training yesterday, Bryant also said no serious injuries. But the result was not ideal MRI examination.  In today's preseason game with the Clippers, Bryant can only be sidelined. Put on his right wrist brace. In the warm-up before the game when the Lakers, Bryant started just sitting on the sidelines. But later he was unable to bear, playing with  his left hand cast a few pointers. The media want to talk about the next Kobe Bryant wrist happens, was refused.  "I know when he landed with a wrist brace for a moment, but in the end I do not know how much he hurt and he did not tell me a pain." Brown said, "his trainer did not told me." When Asked whether Kobe will debut the opening of war, Brown said, "likely", while Kobe Bryant Lakers coach did not rule out the possibility to participate in training tomorrow. But he stressed that Bryant is participating, first has to get the doctor's permission, followed by Kobe Bryant I, trainers and coaches tripartite consultation, the final decision.  According to previous reports, the Lakers Kobe Bryant's torn ligament doctor that is not serious, does not require surgery, but needs some recovery time.  Lakers will start the new season suffered a severe test back back to back, so even Kobe can say about appearances Christmas opener, his wrist can withstand a continuous three days fighting, is unknown. To obtain the season opener, but also ensure that the core is no longer aggravate the injury, coach Brown is facing a big problem..
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