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2013-09-02 17:52:28

If you are just getting started in the sport or looking to upgrade you golfing equipment there are a lot of choices the need to be made. This can feel overwhelming and if you are not carefully in your purchases can end up being costly. Simply relying on the salesperson for advice on what golf gear to buy is not a very reliable way to get the best value for your money. Really you have to consider a lot of other factors before you even step foot in the store. This article will give some quick and easy steps to buying golf equipment and also some great ways to save money. Your Experience Level It is important to consider your experience level when buying golf equipment. If you are just starting out and not even sure if you will like the sport or not it doesn’t make sense to purchase top of the line golfing gear. You will be paying a lot more and might find you don’t even like the sport at all. Beginning golfers can rarely even feel the difference between the higher priced golf gear like golf clubs and the lower priced versions. Since they are just starting out they have nothing to compare to so the high priced equipment often feels about the same as the lower priced. So if you are just starting out save as much money as possible and purchase cheaper versions of the equipment. You still want to spend enough for a good basic set and don’t skimp and buy super cheap materials. Yet you do not need every gadget every made nor do you need the most expensive club in the store. Instead save your money by getting a good beginner set of clubs and a few balls. With the extra you save pay for some private instruction. This will get you well on your way and started with good golfing habits. If you are more experienced and an avid golfer already then this advice does not apply to you and you will probably feel the difference in the more expensive equipment so it is worth the extra cost. How Much You Play Another thing to consider before putting out the big buck for some new golfing gadget is how often do you play? If you are a very occasional player then you probably don’t need the greatest equipment in the world. However if you are out on the course every day rain or shine then go ahead and splurge because you will use it. Places To Purchase Often if you spend some time and look at a few different places to buy golf equipment you can save a great amount of money. All of your golfing gear does not need to be purchased in one store alone. Do some price comparison shopping and look around. There are of course the specialized golfing equipment stores that carry a large inventory and different models but you can also find golf equipment in general sports stores and even places like Wal-Mart and Target. So shop around and get some price comparisons before spending your money. Alternative Ways To Purchase Look for some alternative ways to purchase equipment for a big savings. For example there are tons of great places to buy any type of golf gadget online for rather competitive prices. If you search the internet you can often find great deals on equipment. Some other sources might include the classified ads in a local paper or even garage sales. Often people go out and purchase top of the line equipment before ever going to the golf course for the first round. They later find they don’t have the time to dedicate to golfing or simply don’t like the sport. Well, you can probably guess where these expensive golf clubs end up. They end up listed in the classified section of the paper for a huge discount or at a garage sale for an even larger discount. If you use these sources for purchasing always try to offer less or see if the price can be negotiated down even a little bit. There are also those out there that love the sport of golf and are constantly purchasing new equipment. These few people often will sell off their older used equipment for great prices also. You can try approaching a few people that you might known that fit in this category. As an alternative you might be able to post a little message at your local golfing spot and see if anyone is selling some of their used equipment. By thinking about your level of commitment to golfing and your experience level before ever entering a golf store you will have already saved yourself money because you will not be as easily swayed by the salesperson who is trying to make a commission. Instead you will make a strategic purchase that is well suited to your style and saved money in the process.

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