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2014-03-01 09:57:53

Is your bladder excessively active? Do you need to frequently stop what you're doing so that you can head to the bathroom? Have you tried all sorts of things in an attempt to stop those frequent trips to the restroom when you are at work? Most folks assume that it is our liquid intake that plays a part in the amount of time we spend relieving our bladders. This is precisely what makes so many people unintentionally dehydrate themselves when they're trying to calm down their bladder activities.

Would you believe that it is sometimes what you could be eating which might be causing you to frequently visit the restroom during the day? The truth is that a "number one" potty break is just another way for your body to rid itself of waste. The waste builds up equally through liquid and solid intakes. What you excrete might be from something solid or liquid, no matter which form it took when you ingested it.

While Vitamin C is essential for fighting off bacterial infections, it has been proven that citrus fruits can irritate the bladder. Citrus fruits are mostly made of acid and that's why you should avoid consuming them both as solid fruits or as juice. Oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits and also limes, for example are major culprits of this as is pineapple even though it is technically not a citrus fruit. Instead, remain faithful to fruits like bananas, pears, apples and also berries for your Vitamin C ingestion.

Try to remain calm about this: consuming a lot of chocolate can be an exascerbater of your bladder. Chocolate has caffeine. Your bladder doesn't like it very much if you ingest caffeine and it will send you to the restroom quite a lot when you take in lots of it. The very same is true for caffeinated liquids as well. If you've been making many excursions to the bathroom, lay off of the caffeine both in solid and liquid form. Instead, learn to like dark chocolate along with decaf coffee (or soda).

Foods which are specifically spicy might upset your bladder quite a lot. This will be unpleasant for those who like spicy foods but it is vital, if you dont want to spend your evenings running to the bathroom, to avoid foods like super spicy nachos, wasabi sauce, etc. If the food makes your nose and eyes run it is likely to help make other aspects of your body run also. The fix is straightforward; pick out identical foods but just not as spicy so that you still get the taste without all of the bodily irritation.

We typically think that if it's liquid when it comes out it will need to have been fluid when it went in. This is generally not totally true. What our bodies expel is the excess parts of what we have eaten and drunk that our bodies are not able to use or store so it gets rid of them in whatever way is the easiest and most convenient.

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