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2013-08-26 14:21:01


When I talk about stress in the context of this conversation, I?m talking about the negative version. Of course, some types of stress can create a positive response ? like stressing our muscles in the gym to make them stronger ? but for this discussion, I?m talking about distress. That is, the kind of stress that has the potential to produce negative outcomes on a mental, emotional and physical level.

As you consider this topic today, keep in mind that stress doesn?t work in isolation. Ever.

The Multi-Dimensional Nature of Stress

That is, mental stress doesn?t only affect our mind. No, what starts out as being an (apparent) mental phenomenon also brings with it emotional and physical consequences because we are multi-dimensional, complex creatures. We are neither minds, bodies or emotions ? we are all of them. And much more. We humans are so amazing that one single thought can create an instant physical, emotional and psychological stress response. Picture yourself in a situation that would terrify you and you?ll know exactly what I?m talking about.

Exam Panic (been there)

Then there?s the student who finds herself sitting in the middle of a tough physics exam. In all likelihood, she will experience stress on a range of levels. Firstly, there?s the mental pressure of trying to recall information, to time-manage the exam process, to solve problems and to understand the questions. Then, there?s the roller coaster of emotions that invariably arise in such situations (ranging from terror and panic to relief and happiness). And finally, there are the physiological responses that typically accompany mental and emotional stress such as shortness of breath, nausea, increased heart rate, sweating, increased blood pressure and a need to wee more than usual.

We don?t say urinate here.

Yep, stress is a multi-dimensional experience and if it happens often enough it will have a significant impact on our long-term physical health. Not might: will. Mental and emotional stress produce a range of chemical responses which, in turn, produce a range of less-than-desirable and potentially dangerous physiological responses. To say that a stress response has resulted in many people dying is not overstating the potential damage it can do. It?s a well-known fact that there?s a positive correlation between mental and emotional stress and the increased likelihood of heart attack.

Please don?t stress about that.

It?s Personal

The really interesting thing about stress is that it?s completely personal. Despite what many people think, stress is not produced by situations, circumstances or events ? it?s produced by us. You and me. Us
weird, amazing, curious creatures. Yep, we create the stress ourselves (unintentionally, of course) because things only have the meaning we give them. Therefore, it is our belief about, fear of, or response to, a particular thing which leads to our self-created stress response.

What will cause a stress response in one person (seeing a spider perhaps), might arouse curiosity (and no stress response) in another person. Why? Because one is terrified of spiders and one isn?t. The stress response is about the person?s beliefs and fears, not the spider. If the stress response was only about the spider (rather than the individual?s response), then we would see the same outcome every time any person saw a spider. It isn?t and we don?t. So, who or what stresses you?

You do.

The Health Implications of Stress

While chronic (on-going) stress has been linked to serious disease over the long term, we also know that unmanaged stress can make us physically ill in a matter of minutes. Unlike hydrating a dehydrated body ? which is a relatively straight-forward and uncomplicated process ? flicking the ?stress switch? to the off position is a little more complex and typically requires more time and effort.

When it comes to stress-management, naturally, different things work for different people (ranging from meditation and deep-breathing to boxing and surfing) but what I can tell you is that lasting change usually begins with a shift in consciousness and awareness. While situations, circumstances, events and even other people can trigger our stress response, the only person who can create (and maintain) that internal stress is you. And me.

Deep breaths, Grasshoppers.

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