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  • 注册时间: 2013-05-01 10:43






分类: PHP

2013-08-18 11:22:51

I now have a full flock of ring necked doves visiting regularly. This started several years ago when 3 doves began feeding in the yard under the decorative birdfeeders. Doves eat off the ground and won?t eat at any of the bird feeders, but everyone else is so messy there is plenty for them to pick up. They don?t seem to use the garden bird bath either, but they do love the pond. Now after 4 years the flock seems to be up to 10-12 or so. I must admit I don?t pay as much attention to them as I do to the smaller birds and I am not sure why, possibly because they don?t eat at the unique bird feeders, but they are just as interesting as the others. What I do notice most about them is that their wings squeak when they fly. Well, if it isn?t their wings it sure sounds like it. Pay attention the next time you see some.

I also get Oregon Junkos and dark eyed Junkos. They ignore the fancy birdfeeders too, preferring the seed left on the ground. They don?t seem to sing instead they have a rather distinctive click. The Junkos will use the garden birdbath fountains I wonder a bit about the nuthatches and creeper and some of the other insect eaters that visit my habitat. They seem to be attracted to the seed mix I give the other birds in the wooden birdfeeders and in the decorative birdfeeders as well. But their normal diet is insects, what is with that? I figure that anyone who wants to come to the decorative birdfeeders is a welcome addition to the family.

Other migratory birds that come regularly to the fancy bird feeders are members of the finch family. In the spring they prefer the wooden birdfeeders to be filled with thistle seed and can go through pounds of it without really trying. This time of year however, they seem to enjoy the same seed mix that the others want in their bird feeders. This may be because there is plenty of thistle seed available naturally. Make sure to keep the birdfeeders and birdbaths clean and full this time of year as everyone is getting ready for the long flight to winter quarters.

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