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2013-05-10 17:01:42

's dragged into the water and, finally, his own son left off, Youbi drug trafficking. A family-owned drug gangs formed. □ very case the reporter Wen-Ming Zhao Ruan Zhanjiang newspaper correspondent Zhou Hua Tan Xiaojun who had mines in the 1990s and set up factories in less than a few years on the wealthy, drive a BMW, live in villas young multi-millionaire, a lawsuit overnight bankrupt. Fled to Guangdong, not willing to live a poor life began drug trafficking, then embarked on a road of no return. Walk the dead for many years and the booming "business", because I think outsiders unreliable, he will have his own wife, Langjiu, lover, son and his girlfriend, who called together to form a family drug gangs, drug gangs "Business" not only across the three provinces of Hunan, Guangdong, Jiangsu,, and each purchase in more than 10 kg. Recently, the former "multi-millionaire" Qi Shiguang be Xiangtan City, Hunan Province Public Security Bureau Narcotics detachment arrested, 18 were captured at the same time there are gang members. The supervision of the Ministry of Public Security King involving firearms and drug trafficking case which has been cracked sold in Changsha City, Hunan Province, Xiangtan City, a Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, and then to Nanjing,, Jiangsu Province along drug trafficking routes were destroyed. It is understood that this is far, Xiangtan police cracked with the largest drug cases. Bankruptcy rich "build" the beginning of family drug trafficking gang 2010, Xiangtan City Public Security Bureau Narcotics, detachment cracked a drug trafficking gang case, has arrested the like drug traffickers Liu more than 7 people and seized more than 140 grams of the drug methamphetamine,, Ma Ancient more than 1,300 tablets and drug money, drug trafficking tool certain . Police during the trial, more than Liu confessed Qi Shiguang the drug from the drug traffickers. 39-year-old Qi Shiguang, Xiangtan County, Hunan Province, in the 1990s and set up factories in Xiangtan County mining riches. In 2008, the group of coking coal sold Xiangtan Iron and Steel raw material adulteration, resulting in Xiangtan Iron and Steel blast furnace steelmaking scrap losses, Qi Shiguang Xiangtan Steel to court. In August 2009, all the assets frozen by the court, declared bankrupt the Qi Shiguang overnight escape. In recent years, he frequently in Shenzhen and other activities. Learned that the Qi Shiguang drug trafficking clues, Xiangtan City Public Security Bureau immediately set up a task force to start the investigation around the Qi Shiguang. August 9, 2010, Qi Shiguang drive from Shenzhen shipped a number of "goods" quietly appeared in Changsha and contact Xiangtan lover Li Yin to join in Changsha, the panel decided to close the net,. In the afternoon, Qi Shiguang Li Yin car arrived in Changsha City Bus Station,, just the car by the police task force arrested. Police seized drug "ice" on the spot from the the Qi Shiguang car trunk and luggage bag 3740.6 g, K powder 10107.6 grams of drugs seized 14 400 Ma old from Yin Korea handbag. Subsequently, the police in the rental point the Qi Shiguang is located in Yuhua District, the two drugs seized about 30 grams of methamphetamine and drug trafficking a number of tools. Upon review, Li Yin account, the Qi Shiguang's wife is easy to hi, son Qi Wan wide and Langjiu Yi Li Qing and other suspected involved in drug trafficking in Shenzhen, Nanjing and Changsha and other places to cross a 3 provinces of Hunan, Guangdong, Su 4 City of family drug trafficking gang surfaced. August 10, Xiangtan police decided immediately dispatched three arrest team went to Shenzhen, Nanjing,, Changsha and other places to carry out arrests. 11, in Nanjing arrest team with the local police approached found not received "goods" Qi Wanguang communicate the information to the easy Masaki, and Li Qing Qi Shiguang Li Yin arrested in Changsha, Nanjing, and the next day to bring his girlfriend fled Nanjing. 12 afternoon, the police located from Qi Danguang, Nanjing Baixia rental point within seizure 5951,.3 grams of ice, K powder 3006.1 g, more than 2,700 tablets of ancient linen, 34.4 grams of caffeine,. The afternoon of August 13, easy Masaki secret meet in Panyu, Guangdong high-speed rail train station waiting room and Yi Li Qing, right here waiting for a long time the police arrested the two men, the spot from easy Masaki carry suitcases of drugs seized 184 grams of ice, K powder suspected was 1 kg,, more than 80 pills of ancient linen, imitation pistol sixty-four 1, 4 bullets, drug money 170,000 yuan. Night, police from easy Masaki rental in Shenzhen drugs seized 118.9 grams of ice, Yuhua District, Yi Li Qing is located within the rental of drugs seized 863 grams of ice, with more than 5,000 tablets of the ancient linen, seizure drug trafficking vehicle , from the point of another rental seized 64.4 grams of the drug methamphetamine, Ma Ancient more than 400 tablets of the drug capital of 5 million yuan. The afternoon of August 18, went to Shenzhen to arrest the Qi Shiguang team, Longgang District, Shenzhen on-line, a key figure of the first layer of the drug trafficking network arrested Li Yueqiu. In the afternoon of August 21, the panel in Wangcheng County Jinggang Town Qi Wan Kwong and his girlfriend arrested. His wife and children Youbi involved in drug trafficking Qi Shiguang or "multi-millionaire" It is understood that, at the instigation of drug traffickers Liu more than taking K powder. In August 2009, after all of the assets frozen by the court and declare bankruptcy, not willing to live a poor life, Qi Shiguang Liu more than a referral met Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places more than drug traffickers, Li Yueqiu is one of them. 43-year-old Li Yueqiu in Guangdong mainly engaged in the underground lottery "borrow" money laundering "to engage in the name of the site, they sell drugs. Since January of this year, the Qi Shiguang hands of Li Yueqiu buy large quantities of drugs. In the the Qi Shiguang drug gangs, Li Yueqiu regarded as a key figure in. After starting the drug trafficking, the Qi Shiguang "business" grew and grew. Just walk the dead for many years, the Qi Shiguang gradually feel outsiders unreliable. So he has his wife easily Masaki, Yi Li Qing, Langjiu, Valentine Yin Li, son and his girlfriend and called together to form a family drug gangs. The police investigation found that Qi Wan Kwong and his girlfriend turned out to be involved in drug trafficking in the Qi Danguang Youbi under. At first,, the Qi Shiguang son Qi Wanguang said: take you out for a walk, get some money to open a restaurant. Thus, Qi Wan Kwong followed his father came to Guangzhou, Nanjing into the world,. Qi Wan Kwong first contact with drugs, Qi Shiguang give him a small bag of bag tightly and told him "I have a friend need this, you send. "What " Qi Wan Kwong asked. "Do not ask so much on the line to get past,." The Qi Shiguang a look of impatience. Send several, Qi Wan Kwong gradually discovered that something was amiss, "Why is it that every time secretive Know what they send drugs, Qi Wan Kwong afraid to say to his father: "I am not to engage." His girlfriend said, "You can not harm his son, ah, do not let him engage in" Qi Shiguang. However, Qi Shiguang asked his son: "not to engage in this, you will engage in what I earn money, is not all for you After you not depend on me to feed " In this way, the dual coercion to lure in the family, benefits , the Qi Wan Kwong and his girlfriend, gradually farther and farther on the road to drug trafficking. Qi Wan Kwong was arrested that day, just turned 18 years old. Police handling the case told the "Legal Daily" reporters, Qi Wan Kwong was caught first thing to ask is: "My father will be sentenced to death for it " When told police "may," when Qi Wanguang answer is: "That the best , he put us harm. "case intended to drugs, known as the" white devil ". For drug addicts, "one person,, drug abuse, family suffer." The dangers of drugs not only damage to human life and health, but also in a series of social problems caused by drug abuse. In this case, a man, drug trafficking, actually evolved into a family of drug gangs, and that you, as the father of the drug traffickers, saying that his son as part of the drug trafficking chain. We have to think about, Is in drug profiteering front, humanity, affection will become vulnerable

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