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2013-04-19 21:29:03


生物谷:干细胞是全能型的 ,可以分化成任何1种细胞,而干细胞中的Oct4蛋白质起着调控作用,决定干细胞是继续分化成其他特殊细胞,还是保持干细胞的多功能性。通过化学途径可以改变Oct4蛋白质,从而决定干细胞的命运。德国马普分子生物医学所所长汉斯?施勒和美国宾西法尼亚大学研究人员共同发现了1个Oct4蛋白新的调控机制,1种特殊的蛋白质可以和干细胞标记结合,从而延长蛋白质的生命和增强读取基因信息的功能。这项新发现被刊登在最新1期的《生物化学杂志》上。

施勒介绍说,干细胞的多功能程度是有限的,它既可以发展成不同组织的细胞,也可以发展成肿瘤细胞,其发展方向在很大程度上受Oct4蛋白质影响。施勒和美国宾西法尼亚大学的同事在合作研究中发现,Oct4能与基因中的转录因子结合,通过这种方式使干细胞保持其多能性,并使干细胞仅向1个方向发展。科学家认为,Oct4可以有不同的作用机制 ,在和转录因子结合期间,1些小分子的结合会导致蛋白质的化学变化。研究表明,所谓的SUMO蛋白质和转录因子有很强的结合倾向,并以此改变其功能。

他们的实验显示,SUMO-1(4种SUMO蛋白的1种)可以结合到Oct4蛋白上,从而延长了Oct4的生命。他们把SUMO1和Oct4蛋白注入活性干细胞中,用显微镜观察荧光抗体来检测 ,发现这两种蛋白质分子互相结合在1起。研究人员又分析了SUMO-1蛋白质结合点的位置,有目的地使Oct4可能的结合点失效,人为地使118号赖氨酸作为结合点 。由于这个点在DNA结合点附近,结果发现,SUMO-1和Oct4的结合体能更加有效地结合到DNA上。



J. Biol. Chem., Vol. 282, Issue 29, 21551-21560, July 20, 2007

Sumoylation of Oct4 Enhances Its Stability, DNA Binding , and Transactivation*

Fang Wei, Hans R. Schöler, and Michael L. Atchison1

From the Department of Animal Biology, Mari Lowe Center for Comparative Oncology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 and Max Planck Institute of Molecular Biomedicine, Röntgenstrasse 20, D-48149 Münster, Germany

Transcription factor Oct4 is a master regulator affecting the fate of pluripotent stem cells and germ cell precursors. Oct4 expression is tightly regulated, and small changes in expression level can have dramatic effects on differentiation or oncogenesis. Post-translational modifications including phosphorylation and ubiquitination have been reported to regulate Oct4 transcriptional activity. Here we show that Oct4 is a target for small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO)-1 modification in vivo and in vitro. Sumoylation of Oct4 occurs at a single lysine, Lys118, located at the end of the amino-terminal transactivation domain and next to the Pit1-Oct-Unc86 (POU) DNA binding domain. SUMO-1 and Oct4 colocalize at several promoter sequences in vivo, and a fraction of Oct4 molecules colocalized with SUMO-1 in nuclear aggregates. Sumoylation of Oct4 led to significantly increased Oct4 stability and increased DNA binding. In addition, SUMO-1 cotransfection led to augmented Oct4 transactivation potential that was reduced when the Oct4 sumoylation target site was mutated . Therefore, sumoylation of Oct4 results in increased stability , DNA binding, and transactivation and provides an important mechanism to regulate Oct4 activity.


Nature: 美国科学家发现控制胚胎干细胞“永存”的7种基因


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