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2013-05-25 15:58:51

While most of the fruits contain nutrients and calorie value,, not all of them are suitable for obese individuals seeking slender figure. You need to know what fruits are best suited for you and the desired quantity,, if losing weight is in your priority.

There are some misconceptions among obese individuals about eating sweet fruits,. It is wrong to think just because a fruit is juicy and sweet it will not help you in losing flab,.

Studies have shown that men or women usually eat same amount of food irrespective of calorie content. Hence,, it is more sensible to eat lower calorie foods to take the desired volume everyday and lose weight seamlessly.

This is why including fruits in your diet can help you. Quite a number of fruits weigh a lo but contain less calorie than other foods and including them in your diet will help you in losing weight gradually,, provided you stick to a healthy lifestyle.

It is true that fruits like avocados,, bananas contain rather high calorie value but they also come with some nutrients that your body requires. While Avocado contains more fat than other fruits,, this fat is termed as monounsaturates,, which is beneficial for cardiac health. Avocado also offers a liberal dose of vitamin E.

At any rate,, you will obtain benefits from eating fruits with more calories than those tempting hamburgers and fried street foods. To lose weight gradually and maintain a healthy constitution at the same time,, include various types of fruits in your meals and breakfast.

This list can change with season and that way you will not find the menu monotonous. You can have them in various forms- whole,, canned or juice but keep in mind that not all forms contain same amount of nutrients and offer benefits.

That brings you to the commonly heard question- which fruit is the best for losing weight? When selecting foods for inclusion in your weight loss diet,, pay attention to certain factors.

Eat Fiber enriched fruits to aid weight loss

To lose weight your diet should consist of foods rich in fiber. This applies for the fruits you eat too. Eta fiber rich fruits in breakfast and meals like blueberries,, apples and pears. Fruits naturally contain a fair amount of water and sugar.

The natural sugar in fruits is far less harmful than the artificial sugar used in making creamy foods though. You can eat low sugar fruits like oranges. Kiwi and strawberries without worry if weight loss is your aim. While fruits like mango, apricots contain high amounts of nutrients they also come with high fructose content,, so avoid eating these fruits in huge amount.

Eat canned and dried fruits in moderation for losing weight

It may not always be possible for you to eat fresh fruits and the next available alternative is canned and dried fruits,.

Canned foods,, while not harmful may contain light or heavy syrup. On the contrary,, dried fruits come across the next best alternative to fresh fruits for obese people.

These contain nutrients but less or zero amount of sugar,. Dried cranberries and blueberries also serve as nice sources of antioxidants,. There is another advantage of eating dried fruits for people seeking weight loss,.

The concentrated natural sugar and high fiber contained in dried fruits helps in controlling hunger pangs. Therefore,, you can reduce the cravings for eating sweets if you take some amount of dried fruits everyday and in a way this prevents you from putting on excess weight.

You can include dried fruits in salads or take them with oatmeal when you feel sudden pangs of hunger,.

Some people also like to take fruit juice instead of fresh cut fruits. While gulping down fruit juice is much better than drinking cola or any type of aerated drinks,, from weight loss perspective they cannot equal whole fruits.

If you want to know which fruit juice would be better for losing weight,, talk with a diet expert. It basically depends on the calorie value. It is better to avoid drinking fruit juice cocktail as this will be counterproductive for weight loss.

It is prudent that you avoid over the counter fruit punches. Instead,, stick to pure fruit juices like grapefruit and apple based ones for keeping weight in control.

When you buy fruits for adding them to your weight loss diet,, keep in mind that they can be rather perishable. So,, by buying a lot of different fruits and storing those in refrigerator for long you actually face the risk of eating relatively less nutritious food.

Besides,, there are some fruits that are touted for their weight loss and other health benefits. Do not get carried away by buzz and end up paying more for certain fruits while you can obtain nearly same nutrition from cheaper fruits. Rather than buying fruit based pills,, it will be more beneficial if you eat whole fruits.

Fruits smoothies: Yummy way to shed flab

You can also try gulping down fruit smoothies to get nutritional benefits and keep weight under control. You can,, in fact,, replace your existing breakfast with fruit smoothies for some days to shed excess weight.

You can use fruits like banana,, strawberries,, apple juice and orange to make smoothies. To make it even more tempting for your taste buds add some cube of ice to the mixture before blending everything well into a mixer grinder.

You can make fruit smoothie in large amount and store it in refrigerator for a couple of days too. For a variation,, use citrus fruits instead of blueberry.

Fruit diets: Are they good for weight loss

A number of obese people also resort to fruit based diets to shed weight quickly,. This can work for some obese individuals but people with certain physical conditions may not be suitable for fruit based diets,.

It is important to find out if you are allergic or intolerant to a fruit before adhering to such a diet,. Another point to consider is that you should not continue with a fruit based diet for more than two weeks,.

Most people are advised to follow it for a few days only,. Obese people with ailments like diabetes should not start such a diet without through medical analysis and approval,.

While some fruits should be eaten after medical consultation,, a majority of obese people can consume some common fruits without hassle for attaining a slimmer figure. You can eat grapefruit to get your dose of vitamins and minerals and low calorie intake.

Apple is another low calorie fruit that is good for your health,. You can also take fruit salads with meals for a change.

Include tasty but low calorie fruits like watermelon in the salad,. Another nutritious and low calorie fruit you can eat for weight loss is Kiwi,. Related articles:
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