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2013-05-02 21:09:30

hour glucose test results

I had one high test result and they categorized it as "impaired insulin resistance". I'm now on a diabetic diet, which really isn't that bad, but just takes a little discipline. There are a lot of great resources online for diabetic diets, but basically, the plan they gave me is 3 meals and 3 snacks day at set times, 7:30 (breakfast), 10:30 (snack), 12:30 (lunch), 4:30 (snack) , 7:30 (dinner), 10:00 (snack).

No refined sugars, limit of one serving of carbs per snack (15g), limit two serving of carbs per meal . Breads should be whole grain. Limit one fruit serving for the morning snack and one fruit serving for the afternoon snack (1 serving examples = 1 apple, 10 grapes , 1/2 banana, or 1 cup strawberries). see if I can find a good link online, but those are the basics.

With my first baby I had just one test done and failed slightly . I didn't take the second. All he said to do was watch what I eat. I didn't have to be on insulin or anything. She was measuring 34 weeks ahead for a while. I figured out my craving (fruit) was causing me to have a big baby. I cut out all fruit and she leveled off back to normal. 7 pounds 12 ounces when she was born. haven't been tested yet with this pregnancy. But I've not had the fruit craving with this one. watch what you eat and do some exercise.

I still have my OB text from nursing school (I'm a peds nurse , but I kept all my books !) and it (and several other sources) say that failing the fasting glucose OR failing two or more of the post glucoses is diagnostic for GD. So only failing one, as long as it's not the fasting one , is technically OK.

I failed my 1hr test but passed my 3hr test (all four draws , but my one hour post was only under by 1 the rest were better) . So I'm reevaluating my diet, too. It can only help! And I know that I was eating too much processed sugar anyway.

call your doctors office and ask to get the numbers for your test results. they wanted her do the test again and she said NO, so they are going about her pregnancy as if she has it .

Okay so this may be a long response but I am sooo in the same boat as you are !!!! I took the first test and was 3 pts over the norm. so they wanted me to go back and take the 3hr test (for $$ I assume) I too fasted for 12 12 1/2 hours without eating a single thing until i drank the juice and that was it. So They drew blood 4 times. Once before I drank it, then the following 3 hours. My 1st test (before I drank the juice) came back over the norm by 11 pts but ALLLLL 3 after I drank the juice came back with the correct range perfectly! Now they want me to go do it again. and my dr. sent me to the most pointless appt with the nutritionist who gave me a food pyramid like I was in 1st grade. She didnt even know about supplements and what would be good and not good.

See the thing is that I eat EXTREMELY healthy with extremely healthy purportions. I know my weight gain is due to lack of excersize and my metabolism has slowed because of the changes my body is going through. I am not rapidly putting weight on althought I started out over what I wanted to be and have only put on 30lbs so far at 30 weeks. Even though I know I should only gain 1520lbs, i really think that is unrealistic while pregnant. I am proud of myself and know I wont top a total gain of 40 lbs by the time this is over and when it is I know I will lose it quickly.

I would say go with your gut. over analyzing and charging up the booty for pointless other tests.

Best of luck to you. I am still considering whether I feel like even dealing with taking the test again. I have control over my food habits and am excersizing more and I know babygirl and I will be fine !

EDD 12/31/09

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