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分类: PERL

2013-05-04 15:52:18

Let the Stars Assume the Whole of Night

Dear M___ , I hope that this missive finds you well, and that you are enjoying the last days of the summer months, though I expect by the time this letter reaches you we will already be in the depths of fall. Here in Providence we are already feeling a slight chill in the air as the daylight shortens, and the children have just this morning begun planning their costumes for Hallowe'en. For the record, Bernerd wants to be "Scurvy" and Kitty has her heart set on being "a Scary Witch with a cat". Ah youth . I would like to thank you for the very thoughtful package that you sent to me earlier in the month, I am always grateful to receive your very unique gifts. Your essay on the migratory patterns of the whippoorwill was a most interesting read, and I am still puzzling over the ampoule of glowing green liquid that was so carefully wrapped at the bottom of the box. Of particular interest though was the audio recording you sent by the artist Caul. I find myself regularly returning to this work, "Let the Stars Assume the Whole of the Night", as it resonates with me on a variety of levels, and I have developed a considerable appreciation for it in terms of both the talent displayed and it's high musical quality . It is, most definitely, the work of a great talent. Using only a sparse but effective sound palette made up of largely "organic instruments" such as strings, piano, a modicum of percussion, and a chorus of haunting voices, this release is a most impressive work that I am sure will stay with me for some years to come. The opening piece, "A Clear Eye Loves the Shadows as Well" sets the tone for the work using a haunting string and piano passage resplendent with dark orchestral beauty. It's a lush opening, a slow, languid procession that establishes mood, tone and flavour, providing a beautiful introduction to a new aural landscape for the listener to explore over the next hour. "Radiance Falls" follows, a dark and brooding piece built around a simple guitar melody paired with some sparse percussion. A repeated tonal theme lies overtop the melody adding to the drama of the piece, slightly varying, slowly mutating over the course of the track. I must say M___, this piece is truly a wonderful example of the use of tension and dynamics in music! "The Sparkling Snow is Full of Roses" captures the cold dead world of winter brilliantly, a track that fully captures the spirit of the bleakest months using simple piano to evoke a barren snowfilled landscape. A chime and some minimal snare work move the track along briefly, but even these small variations rarely deviate from the chilling beauty of this piece. "The Silent Road to your Pillars" is a dark piece filled with found sounds, sinister steamy tones and foreboding bass. An urgent piano plays throughout, ushering the track through it's motions. A warm but haunting chorus that recalls the voices I sometimes hear coming from the cellar gives this one a particular resonance for me, a personal, emotional anchor that connects with this listener . A truly inspired piece. "Upon the Vines" is a foreboding and sinister piece with deep reverberating drums and sinister jagged guitar lines. A vocal chorus appears here too, but unlike the warmth of the last track, this chorus taunts the listener, almost mocking them , much like the sound of the aforementioned whipoorwills that plagued the region last year. "Just One Autumn for Ripe Songs" returns the album to a cold dark place , a track ripe with the sounds of machinery and inhumanity. Pulsating percussion, piano and strings, a celebration of the beauty of industry, and the joys of cold automation. "We Are Like Heartless Shadows" follows, with minimal tones and a delicate sense about it, a strong feeling of fragility. The sound of voices wash through the track , connecting strongly with this listener, making me feel as though I am one of the "We" in the title. That connection is further emphasized by the next piece , "Words of Praise Arise, Like Flowers" which is a bright and optimistic track, offering a beacon of light amidst the darkness this listener has traveled through to reach this point. Oh M___, in many ways it's like a welcome reprieve, but I know from repeated listenings that the darkness returns, and so even here in the middle of this optimism I am overcome with a feeling of oncoming dread. Sure enough, "Oblivian and Holy Drunkenness" begins a slow descent , a languid piece that brings to mind a million cold grey Sunday mornings, that particular state of being that only exists on your couch while the rain falls outside. The intriguingly named "She is Holy to Those Who Are Lost or Dead" is the shortest track on the album , a piano piece with some minimal bass, a small smattering of snare drum played by brushes. Hypnotizing and mesmerizing . Too short though, I found myself wanting it to go on indefinitely. "Bells Ring Softly in the Twilight Air" is filled with the sounds of arcing metal, a high pitched and unsettling sound that raises the tension of the track. Despite this however, I cannot help but recognize the impressive talent behind this work tiffany uk. By contrast to the last piece this is the longest work on the album, a lengthy piece spent exploring it's own internal claustrophobia, giving this listener a chance to really feel the tension of the situation. "The Kindness of Exalted Night" closes the recording , a slow but steady drum suggesting a heartbeat, playing alongside distorted choral voices and strings. An inspired and impressive piece to finish this most inspired and impressive work. Without doubt M___ , this collection is among the most haunting musical works I have ever experienced, and I daresay that I find myself returning regularly to it's charms. As you know , I have always been drawn to the darker side of life, and "Let the Stars Assume the Whole of Night" certainly fits the bill with regard to my interests. I tip my hat to you for your most well chosen gift, and I look forward to hearing from you and your lovely wife again soon. Yours truly, R__ "Let the Stars Assume the Whole of Night" by Caul is available from. rik ping things Keep up to date with ping things through the ping things twitter feed and the ping things facebook group!Related:
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