Add an environment variable called ACE_ROOT that contains the name of the root of the directory where you keep the ACE wrapper source tree. The ACE recursive Makefile scheme needs this information. There are several ways to set the ACE_ROOT variable. For example:
TSCH/CSH: setenv ACE_ROOT /home/cs/faculty/schmidt/ACE_wrappers
BASH or Bourne Shell: ACE_ROOT=/home/cs/faculty/schmidt/ACE_wrappers; export ACE_ROOT
ACE_ROOT=/home/peter/ace_tao/ACE_wrappers;export ACE_ROOT
IPv6 Support in TAO
Point of contact: Martin Corino, Remedy IT.
TAO has support for IPv6 for IIOP under Windows and Linux. To use this, add ipv6 to your default.features file and regenerate all makefiles. When using the automated tests, add IPV6 to the configs.
Finished work:
Added IPv6 support to all IIOP related classes (parsers, connectors, acceptors)
Added IPv6 support to corbaloc and mcast URL parsers.
Implemented IPv6 support in the TAO_IOR_MCast utility class from TAO Svc Utils
The following gotchas are known:
In a localhost situation connecting a server listening at the IPv6 ANY address has the following problems: On Linux this does not work when the client tries to connect to a LinkLocal address of one the local NICs, on Windows this only works (locally) by using the 'localhost' address (either IPv4 or IPv6)
Usage of the '-ORBObjRefStyle url' switch poses problems in localhost situations on Windows since this switch causes 'object_to_string' to only return the first server endpoint from the IOR profile as a corbaloc URL. In IPv6 servers this will (almost) allways be an IPv4 interface address of one of the local NICs. This will than cause problems when the server is listening at the IPv6 ANY address as described above.
Future work:
IPv6 support for other protocols/strategies than IIOP (i.e. SHMIOP, UIOP, SCIOP, SSLIOP etc.; for this we excluded some regression tests in IPv6 builds for this reason)
IPv4 runtime dependencies in various CORBA services (f.i. Event service)
* Constructs an ACE_Multihomed_INET_Addr from a @a port_number, a
* @a primary_host_name, and an array of
* @a size is taken to be the length of the array. If @a encode is
* non-zero, then @a port_number is converted into network byte
* order; otherwise it is assumed to be in network byte order
* already and is passed straight through. @a address_family can be
* used to select IPv4/IPv6 if the OS has IPv6 capability
* (ACE_HAS_IPV6 is defined). To specify IPv6, use the value
* AF_INET6. To specify IPv4, use AF_INET.
ACE_Multihomed_INET_Addr(u_short port_number,
const char primary_host_name[],
int encode = 1,
int address_family = AF_UNSPEC,
const char *(secondary_host_names[]) = 0,
size_t size = 0);
Download link:
ACE building: Building and Installing ACE on UNIX
Tao building: On UNIX platforms
These are the libraries the tool uses, thanks!
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