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2013-07-19 22:23:42



1, 灰色外套和牛仔的装扮色彩单调略显凝重,不防配上一双白色的高跟试试,效果不错哦.

2, 紫色的紧身针织外套很修身,黑色的直筒休闲裤更显款大,很完美的修饰了MM娇小迷人的身材.

3, 低领的针织外套和低领的TEE很得体,下身搭配褶子裙,更加典雅大方.

4, 一款很值得特别推荐的装扮,上身装扮的针织套帽大衣和内衬的吊带泡泡衫时尚俏皮,,下身搭配的黑色裤袜很好的突显了MM的身材.

5, 紫色的棉外套+灰色低领T恤+水洗牛仔 简约别致 很适合MM的日常穿着.

6, 一款很简单但是又有新意的装扮,格子衬衣+针织棉外套+水洗紧身牛仔 休闲修身两不误.白色的高跟是点睛之笔.

7, 层叠式搭配是韩国装扮中不可或缺的部分,,本款装扮中白色纯绵T恤很好的阐释了这个流行元素的新颖之处.

In September 1998, Herve Leger was obtained greater than the BCBG Max Azria fine within having to do with the Seagram's Group. This was the first-ever acquisition to do with going to be the French couturier by an American designer. In April 2007,, Max Azria relaunched going to be the Herve Leger the maker well below a his / her non-public to construct and to put together path receiving a multi function capsule summer some time a range,all of which was offered at gps device side branch stores and specialty accessories In August 2007,going to be the refurbished We can bring to the table an all in one large mobile phone number having to do with 2011 many of the new design and style concerning Herve Leger Dresses, Herve Leger Bandage Dresses. 相关的主题文章:
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