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分类: Java

2013-02-16 18:54:20


如果我们不使用dynamic biniding 动态绑定,则必须把整个服务程序绑定到主程序上。每次主程序运行,则必须将全部100多个过程全部在活动组内激活才可以。使用动态绑定机制,可以在控制在run-time需要时某个子过程激活调用。创建服务程序GETSPGMPTR ,需要3个系统函数来实现返回服务程序过程指针。

(1) MI-rslvsp  (2)C函数QleActBndPgm (3)C 函数  QleGetExp 


The rslvsp (Resolve System Pointer) function locates the AS/400 object and stores the object’s address using system pointer.

QleActBndPgm (Activate Bound Program) and QleGetExp (Get-Export) are C-functions used by the CRTPGM command. QleActBndPgm API activates the bound program (or service program)specified by the system pointer (retrieved from rslvsp). QleActBndPgm returns an “Activationmark”. QleActBndPgm is normally used in conjunction with QleGetExp API.

First you activatethe service program, then later, you use QleGetExp to retrieve pointers to procedures and data from the activation. QleGetExp gets the pointer to the “exported” procedure name.

QleGetExp requires an “Activation mark” for input (retrieved from QleActBndPgm).






    /TITLE GETSPGMPTR  Get Service Program Pointer
      *? Programmers Group & Management Resources   Copyright  2002 ?*
      *                                                              *
      *                           \\\\\\\                            *
      *                          ( o   o )                           *
      *                                                              *
      *  System name. . :? IT                                       ?*
      *  Service Program:? GETSPGMPTR                               ?*
      *  Text . . . . . :? Get Service Program Pointer              ?*
      *  Author . . . . :? Alex Nubla                               ?*
      *                                                              *
      *                   OOOOO              OOOOO                   *
      *                   (    )             (    )                  *
      *--------------------(   )-------------(   )-------------------*
      *                     (_)               (_)                    *
      *                                                              *
      *  Description. . :  The idea behind this is to allow dynamic  *
      *                    procedure (service program) call from     *
      *                    the calling program.  What this procedure *
      *                    does is activate the bound *SRVPGMs       *
      *                    at execution time and set all the function*
      *                    pointers after determining what *SRVPGMs  *
      *                    to activate.                              *
      *                                                              *
      *                    Create the module first. Then CRTSRVPGM.  *
      *                                                              *
      *                    CRTSRVPGM SRVPGM(GETSPGMPTR)              *
      *                              MODULE(GETSPGMPTR)              *
      *                              EXPORT(*ALL)                    *
      *                              BNDSRVPGM(*LIBL/QC2UTIL1)       *
      *                                                              *
      *                                                              *
      * Modification Log :                                           *
      *                                                              *
      *          Req                                                 *
      *?Date    ?Number?Programmer/Description                      ?*
      * 11/28/01        Alex Nubla                                   *
      *                 Creation Date                                *
      *                                                              *
     H COPYRIGHT('(C) Alex Nubla of PGMR, Inc.  2002')
      *?      D E F I N I T I O N     S P E C I F I C A T I O N     ?*

      *  Get Service Program Pointer
     D GetSPgmPtr      PR              *   ProcPtr
     D   SrvPgm                      10A   Const
     D   Library                     10A   Const
     D   Procedure                  100A   Const      Varying

     D Pointer         S               *   ProcPtr
     D                                     Based(frog)

      *?         G E T S P G M P T R     P R O T O T Y P E          ?*

      *                                                              *
      *  Get Service Program Pointer Prototype                       *
      *                                                              *
     P GetSPgmPtr      B                   Export
     D GetSPgmPtr      PI              *   ProcPtr
     D   SrvPgm                      10A   Const
     D   Library                     10A   Const
     D   Procedure                  100A   Const      Varying

      *  Resolve system pointer (calls RSLVSP.H)
     D RslvSp          PR              *   ProcPtr    ExtProc('rslvsp')
     D   ObjectType                   2A   Value
     D   ObjectName                  31A
     D   ObjectLib                   31A
     D   Req_Auth                     2A   Value

     D Type_Lib        C                   x'0401'
     D Type_SrvPgm     C                   x'0203'
     D Auth_Obj_Ctrl   C                   x'8000'
     D Auth_Obj_Mgmt   C                   x'4000'
     D Auth_Pointer    C                   x'2000'
     D Auth_Space      C                   x'1000'
     D Auth_Retrieve   C                   x'0800'
     D Auth_Insert     C                   x'0400'
     D Auth_Delete     C                   x'0200'
     D Auth_Update     C                   x'0100'
     D Auth_Owner      C                   x'0080'
     D Auth_Excluded   C                   x'0040'
     D Auth_Lst_Mgmt   C                   x'0020'
     D Auth_Execute    C                   x'0010'
     D Auth_Alter      C                   x'0008'
     D Auth_Ref        C                   x'0004'
     D Auth_All        C                   x'FF1C'
     D Auth_None       C                   x'0000'

      *  Activate Bound Program (service program QLEAWI)
     D ActBndPgm       PR            10I 0 ExtProc('QleActBndPgm')
     D   SrvPgmPtr                     *                   Value
     D   ActMark                     10I 0                 Options(*Omit)
     D   ActInfo                           Like(Act_Info)  Options(*Omit)
     D   ActInfoLen                  10I 0                 Options(*Omit)
     D   ErrorCode                         Like(@ErrData)  Options(*Omit)
      *  Format of Activation Information (ActInfo)
      * *-------------------------------------------------------------*
      * |?Offset   ?|           |                                     |
      * |-----+-----|           |                                     |
      * |?Dec?|?Key?|?Type?     |?Field?                              |
      * |-----+-----+-----------+-------------------------------------|
      * |   0 |   0 | Binary(4) | Bytes returned                      |
      * |-----+-----+-----------+-------------------------------------|
      * |   4 |   4 | Binary(4) | Bytes available                     |
      * |-----+-----+-----------+-------------------------------------|
      * |   8 |   8 | Char(8)   | Reserved                            |
      * |-----+-----+-----------+-------------------------------------|
      * |  16 |  10 | Binary(4) | Activation group mark               |
      * |-----+-----+-----------+-------------------------------------|
      * |  20 |  14 | Binary(4) | Activation mark                     |
      * |-----+-----+-----------+-------------------------------------|
      * |  24 |  18 | Char(7)   | Reserved                            |
      * |-----+-----+-----------+-------------------------------------|
      * |  31 |  1F | Char(1)   | Flags                               |
      * |-----+-----+-----------+-------------------------------------|
      * |  32 |  20 | Char(16)  | Reserved                            |
      * *-------------------------------------------------------------*
     D Act_Info        ds
     D   Act_Ret                      9B 0 Inz(%size(Act_Info))
     D   Act_Avail                    9B 0
     D   Act_Resrvd1                  8A   Inz(*Allx'00')
     D   Act_ActGrp                   9B 0
     D   Act_ActMark                  9B 0
     D   Act_Resrvd2                  7A   Inz(*Allx'00')
     D   Act_Flags                    1A
     D   Act_Resrvd3                  1A   Inz(*Allx'00')

      *  Get Export (service program QLEAWI)
     D GetExport       PR              *   ProcPtr    ExtProc('QleGetExp')
     D   SrvPgmMark                        Like(ActMark)
     D   ExportId                    10I 0 Const
     D   ExportNamLen                10I 0 Const           Options(*Omit)
     D   ExportName                  30A   Const           Options(*Omit)
     D   ExportPtr                     *   ProcPtr         Options(*Omit)
     D   ExportType                  10I 0                 Options(*Omit)
     D   ErrorCode                         Like(@ErrData)  Options(*Omit)
      *  Type of export item (ExportType)
     D Export_Gone     C                   0
     D Export_Proc     C                   1
     D Export_Data     C                   2
     D Export_No_Acc   C                   3

     D@ErrData         DS
     D  @BytesProv                    9B 0 Inz(200)
     D  @BytesAval                    9B 0
     D  @ExcpId                       7
     D  @Reserved1                    1
     D  @ExcpData                   184

      *  Standalone fields
     D SrvPgmPtr       S                   Like(Pointer)
     D ActMark         S             10I 0
     D ProcPtr         S               *   ProcPtr
     D ExportType      S             10I 0
     D ExportNbr       S             10I 0 Inz(1)
     D ObjectType      S              2A   Inz(Type_SrvPgm)
     D ObjectName      S             31A
     D ObjectLib       S             31A

      *?    C A L C U L A T I O N     S P E C I F I C A T I O N     ?*
      *  Include stop codes (*Null) at end of names        *
     C                   Eval      ObjectName  = %Trimr(SrvPgm) + x'00'
     C                   Eval      ObjectLib   = %Trimr(Library)+ x'00'
      *  Get the pointer of the service program            *
     C                   Eval      SrvPgmPtr   = RslvSp(ObjectType: ObjectName:
     C                                                  ObjectLib:  Auth_None)

      *  Activate the service program                      *
     C                   Eval      ActMark     = ActBndPgm(%addr(SrvPgmPtr):
     C                                                     *Omit: *Omit:
     C                                                     *Omit: *Omit)

      * Get the Procedure Pointer for Procedure Name       *
     C                   Eval      ProcPtr     = GetExport(ActMark: 1:
     C                                                     *Omit: *Omit: *Omit:
     C                                                     *Omit: *Omit)

      * Return the procedure pointer                       *
     C                   Return    ProcPtr

     P GetSPgmPtr      E



D GetSPgmPtr PR * ProcPtr
D SrvPgm 10A Const
D Library 10A Const
D Procedure 100A Const Varying
D DateBus PR 10A ExtProc(#DateBus)
D Date_Fmt 4A Value
D #DateBus S * ProcPtr
D DateReq S 10A
C Eval SrvPgm = 'DATEBUS'
C Eval Lib = '*LIBL'
C Eval Procedure = 'F_BUSDATE'
C Eval #DateBus = GetSPgmPtr(SrvPgm:Lib:
C Procedure)
C Eval DateReq = DateBus(*MDY)


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