<!DOCTYPE html >
<title>find the buried treasure!>
<script src=""></script>
<h1 id="heading">find the buried treasure!>
<img id="map" width="400" height="400" src="https://www.nostarch.com/images/treasuremap.png"/>
<p id="distance"></p>
// Get a random number from 0 to size
var getRandomNumber = function(size){
return Math.floor(Math.random()*size);
// Calculate distance between click event and target
var getDistance = function(event,target){
var diffX = event.offsetX - target.x;
var diffY = event.offsetY -target.y;
// console.log(target.x);
return Math.sqrt((diffX * diffX) + (diffY * diffY));
// Get a string representing the distance
var getDistanceHint = function(distance){
if(distance < 10){
return "Boiling hot!";
}else if(distance < 20){
return "Really hot";
}else if(distance < 40){
return "Hot";
}else if(distance < 80){
return "Warm";
}else if(distance < 160){
return "Cold";
}else if(distance <320){
return "Really cold";
return "Freezing!";
// Set up our variables
var width = 400;
var height = 400;
var clicks = 0;
// Create a random target location
var target = {
// Add a click handler to the img element
// Get distance between click event and target
var distance = getDistance(event,target);
// Convert distance to a hint
var distanceHint = getDistanceHint(distance);
// Update the #distance element with the new hint
// If the click was close enough, tell them they won
if(distance < 8){
alert("Found the treasure in " + clicks + "clicks!");
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