$uname -a
Linux gentoo 4.12.12-gentoo #2 SMP Thu Sep 14 21:32:14 CST 2017 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3720QM CPU @ 2.60GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
2)编译软件:chez scheme
$scheme -v 或者使用(petite -v)
Chez Scheme Version 9.4
Copyright 1984-2016 Cisco Systems, Inc.
$vim -v
VIM - Vi IMproved 8.0 (2016 Sep 12, compiled Sep 8 2017 05:09:57)
Included patches: 1-386
Modified by Gentoo-8.0.0386
Compiled by renwei@gentoo
1) 删除首次出现的元素,并且返回列表
(define rember
(lambda (a lat)
((null? lat) '())
((eq? a (car lat)) (cdr lat))
(else (cons (car lat) (rember a (cdr lat)))))))
启动chez scheme,可以使用tab补全函数,退出scheme使用(exit)
$ scheme
Chez Scheme Version 9.4
Copyright 1984-2016 Cisco Systems, Inc.
>(load "lesson3.scm")
> (rember 'bacon '(bacon lettuce and tomato))
(lettuce and tomato)
>(rember 'hello '(bacon lettuce and tomato))
(bacon lettuce and tomato)
>(rember 'cup '(coffee cup tea cup and hick cup))
(coffee tea cup and hick cup)
(define firsts
(lambda (l)
((null? l) '())
(else (cons (car (car l)) (firsts (cdr l)))))))
$ scheme
Chez Scheme Version 9.4
Copyright 1984-2016 Cisco Systems, Inc.
> (load "lesson3.scm")
> (firsts '((a b) (c d) (e f)))
(a c e)
> (firsts '((five plums) (four) (eleven green oranges)))
(five four eleven)
> (firsts '(((five plums) four) (eleven green oranges) ((no) more)))
((five plums) eleven (no))
(define insertR
(lambda (new old lat)
((null? lat) '())
((eq? old (car lat)) (cons old (cons new (cdr lat))))
(else (cons (car lat) (insertR new old (cdr lat)))))))
$ scheme
Chez Scheme Version 9.4
Copyright 1984-2016 Cisco Systems, Inc.
> (load "lesson3.scm")
> (insertR 'topping 'fudge '(ice cream with fudge for dessert))
(ice cream with fudge topping for dessert)
> (insertR 'jalapeno 'and '(tacos tamales and salsa))
(tacos tamales and jalapeno salsa)
> (insertR 'e 'd '(a b c d f g d h))
(a b c d e f g d h)
(define insertL
(lambda (new old lat)
((null? lat) '())
((eq? old (car lat)) (cons new lat))
(else (cons (car lat) (insertL new old (cdr lat)))))))
$ scheme
Chez Scheme Version 9.4
Copyright 1984-2016 Cisco Systems, Inc.
> (load "lesson3.scm")
> (insertL 'd 'e '(a b c e g d h))
(a b c d e g d h)
(define subst
(lambda (new old lat)
((null? lat) '())
((eq? old (car lat)) (cons new (cdr lat)))
(else (cons (car lat) (subst new old (cdr lat)))))))
$ scheme
Chez Scheme Version 9.4
Copyright 1984-2016 Cisco Systems, Inc.
> (load "lesson3.scm")
> (subst 'topping 'fudge '(ice cream with fudge for dessert))
(ice cream with topping for dessert)
(define subst2
(lambda (new old1 old2 lat)
((null? lat) '())
((eq? old1 (car lat)) (cons new (cdr lat)))
((eq? old2 (car lat)) (cons new (cdr lat)))
(else (cons (car lat) (subst2 new old1 old2 (cdr lat)))))))
$ scheme
Chez Scheme Version 9.4
Copyright 1984-2016 Cisco Systems, Inc.
> (load "lesson3.scm")
> (subst2 'vanilla 'chocolate 'banana '(banana ice cream with chocolate topping))
(vanilla ice cream with chocolate topping)
(define multirember
(lambda (a lat)
((null? lat) '())
((eq? a (car lat)) (multirember a (cdr lat)))
(else (cons (car lat) (multirember a (cdr lat)))))))
$ scheme
Chez Scheme Version 9.4
Copyright 1984-2016 Cisco Systems, Inc.
> (load "lesson3.scm")
> (multirember 'cup '(coffee cup tea cup and hick cup))
(coffee tea and hick)
(define multiinsertR
(lambda (new old lat)
((null? lat) '())
((eq? old (car lat))
(cons old (cons new (multiinsertR new old (cdr lat)))))
(else (cons (car lat) (multiinsertR new old (cdr lat)))))))
$ scheme
Chez Scheme Version 9.4
Copyright 1984-2016 Cisco Systems, Inc.
> (load "lesson3.scm")
> (multiinsertR 'x 'a '(a b c d e a a b))
(a x b c d e a x a x b)
(define multiinsertL
(lambda (new old lat)
((null? lat) '())
((eq? old (car lat))
(cons new (cons old (multiinsertL new old (cdr lat)))))
(else (cons (car lat) (multiinsertL new old (cdr lat)))))))
$ scheme
Chez Scheme Version 9.4
Copyright 1984-2016 Cisco Systems, Inc.
> (load "lesson3.scm")
> (multiinsertL 'fried 'fish '(chips and fish or fish and fired))
(chips and fried fish or fried fish and fired)
(define multisubst
(lambda (new old lat)
((null? lat) '())
((eq? old (car lat))
(cons new (multisubst new old (cdr lat))))
(else (cons (car lat) (multisubst new old (cdr lat)))))))
$ scheme
Chez Scheme Version 9.4
Copyright 1984-2016 Cisco Systems, Inc.
> (load "lesson3.scm")
> (multisubst 'x 'a '(a b c d e a a b))
(x b c d e x x b)
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