Ans: Here are some tips to find the process' running time in an UNIX system.
For 2.6 kernels:
Identify your process Id
and then do a
ls -ld /proc/PID-OF-YOUR-PROCESS
So the modification time listed on the above file(directory) is the time that the process has started.
e.g. I have started a process say "sleep 10000" few minutes back
$ ps -ef | grep "[s]leep 10000" jsaikia 24375 23306 0 22:13 pts/10 00:00:00 sleep 10000 $ ls -ld /proc/24375 dr-xr-xr-x 6 jsaikia staff 0 2009-09-18 22:14 /proc/24375
So, "2009-09-18 22:14" is the start time of the above sleep process; if I subtract this time from the current time I can find how long this process has been running.
For subtraction you can have a script like this:
#!/bin/sh T1=$(date +%s -d "$1") T2=$(date +%s -d "$2") ((diffsec=T1-T2)) echo - \ | awk -v D=$diffsec '{printf "%d:%d:%d\n",D/(60*60),D%(60*60)/60,D%60}'
So that you can execute like this:
$ sh "$(date)" "2009-09-18 22:14"
For 2.4 kernels:
For 2.4 kernels, the modification time on the "/proc/PID-OF-YOUR-PROCESS" will be the current system time (unlike 2.6 kernels where its the actual process start time)
So how to find the running time of a process on a 2.4 kernel UNIX system ?
Here is the way (this is going to work for 2.6 also)
$ ps -ef | grep [s]leep
root 7702 7689 0 17:34 pts/0 00:00:00 sleep 100000
so 7702 is the pid of the above process.
$ pd=7702
$ expr $(awk '{print $1}' FS=\. /proc/uptime) - $(awk '{printf ("%10d\n",$22/100)}' /proc/$pd/stat)
The output will show the number of seconds the process(with pid=pd) is running.
i guess on most ps versions you can also directly use the options -eo etime:
herbert@herbert:~$ ps -eo pid,etime,args | grep X11
3281 08:32:10 /usr/X11R6/bin/X