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分类: IT职场

2012-12-27 14:59:03

Efficient crusher equipment industry development is the inevitable trend

Global marketing development situation of all walks of life at the same time by the developed countries, the impact of advanced technology, the communication traffic opportunities with foreign brands also increasing, the domestic mining industry exhibition, research and cooperation in a number of ways, machinery and equipment manufacturing enterprises continuously improve their strength and core competitiveness towards international road, narrowing the gap with the developed countries. The crusher equipment R & D, production and use of the important issues of the mining machinery industry, the circular economy era crusher equipment efficiency, intelligence development has become an inevitable trend.
With the continuous development of the concept of environmental protection of the international community, China has increased the system specifications and production requirements of each industry energy consumption, extensive mining model is gradually being abandoned, intensive mining is becoming the mainstream of the development of the industry. Updates and the optimization and upgrading of mining equipment in the new market demand driven, more urgent. Domestic crusher equipment manufacturing enterprises to fully tap the market potential, and vigorously develop large crushing machinery and equipment for environmental protection and energy saving, and to play an active role in the transformation of the green mining. Order of the intelligent, efficient development ideas, in the situation of countries vigorously promote green mine construction, foreign advanced crusher equipment design concept to fully study developed a new intelligent crusher, runs well, a mining enterprise product of choice.
The crusher equipment use is mainly reflected in the crushing of various ore processing stage, the crusher equipment performance requirements at different stages of development, the market is not exactly the same. In the early stages of the development of the mining industry, most focus on only whether the economic benefits to the maximum, the the crusher equipment manufacturers design and R & D focus on is how to work to achieve maximum efficiency and productivity. With the development of technology and the progress of the times, over-exploitation of the adverse impact of the waste of resources and the ecological balance of the destruction has been realized by the majority of people, mining mode urgent innovation.        

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