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2010-08-13 13:24:00

I've been using this combination on a daily basis for more than a year now, and I can't stress enough how really useful it is. I use it both at home and at work, and everything is very easy and - most importantly - absolutely free.
X11 Forwarding with ssh is a wonderful feature which allows you get windows of a remotely started applications shown on your own desktop. For Windows, there are lots of pretty good albeit expensive products like Citrix, GoGlobal and XWin32, which allow you access your remote Unix desktop sessions. But in reality, if you don't need any sessions but only want to remotely start an application and get a window from it on your desktop, you won't need any of these expensive products - the easiest will be to use X11 forwarding and Xming.
用SSH来X11 Forwarding你可以远程的在自己桌面上打开应用程序图形窗口。在Windows下,有很多昂贵的软件可以实现远程Unix桌面会话,如Citrix, GoGlobal 和 XWin32等。实际上,如果你不需要会话而只是在桌面上打开应用程序窗口,你不需要这些昂贵的产品。最简便的方法便是用Xming。
Xming is an X Windows port for Microsoft Windows. Essentially it's an X-server which starts transparently on top of your MS Windows desktop. It allows you to redirect graphical output of applications you run on remote Unix servers and therefore see these applications windows on your MS Windows desktop.
Xming是一个Windows下的X Window系统。他在Windows界面的上透明的运行一个Xserver。他可以把远程Unix服务器上的应用程序导向到Windows桌面上。
Xming is very simple and easy to use. All you have to do is download its distribution archive from the project's page on SourceForge: XMing @ SourceForge.
Xming非常简单易用。你所需要的只是到SourceForge: XMing @ SourceForge去下载。
After you install it, I recommend you have a quickstart panel shortcut created for it, and have your command line altered to something like this:
"C:\Program Files\Xming\Xming.exe" :0 -clipboard -multiwindow
安装之后,我建议创建一个快捷方式,命令是 "C:\Program Files\Xming\Xming.exe" :0 -clipboard -multiwindow

Now that you have Xming installed, start it and it's time to take care of the ssh side of things. We have to alter the ssh daemon config file: /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Just ensure that it has the following:
# X11 tunneling options
X11Forwarding yes
X11DisplayOffset 10
X11UseLocalhost yes

If you already have similar parameters, don't do anything. But if you had to change the config file, it's time to restart ssh:
bash-3.00# svcadm restart svc:/network/ssh

All that's left now is to download the wonderful free Putty client, that is if you're not using it yet. You can get it here: Putty: a free telnet/ssh client.
I won't go into all the Putty configuration details, I'll only mention that for X11 forwarding, you have to do the following: in the main configuration window of Putty (you get it when you start Putty), select Connection section, then SSH, then X11, and make sure you tick the Enable X11 Forwarding option.
我不准备再更多地说明putty的设置了,只强调一点,对于X11 forwarding我们需要做如下设置:在putty的主设置窗口中,先择Connection->SSH->X11,确保选项Enable X11 Forwarding已经勾上。
That's it, you're good to go! Good luck!
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