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分类: Python/Ruby

2017-02-28 19:26:12


  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. # -*-coding:utf-8 -*-
  3. # Author: Dily
  4. #  Email:
  5. “”“ 实现在线业务批量升级”“”

  6. import time
  7. import sys
  8. import socket
  9. import subprocess
  10. import logging
  11. import json
  12. import urllib2
  13. import hashlib
  14. import os

  15. Threshold = 1280
  16. ip = ''
  17. port = 9999

  18. fcd_file = "/etc/fcd.conf"
  19. fcd_par_file = "/home/dily/fcd_private"
  20. annotation_fcd = "sed -i '/fw_cluster/s/^/#/'" + " " + fcd_file
  21. annotation_fcd_par = "sed -i '/fw_cluster/s/^/#/'" + " " + fcd_par_file
  22. remove_anno_fcd = "sed -i '/fw_cluster/s/^#//'" + " " + fcd_file
  23. remove_anno_fcd_par = "sed -i '/fw_cluster/s/^#//'" + " " + fcd_par_file
  24. reload_fcd = "/usr/local/fcd/sbin/fcd -r"
  25. to_time = time.strftime('%Y%m%d',time.localtime(time.time()))
  26. backup_fcd_file = "cp -f" + " " + fcd_file + " " + fcd_file + "." + to_time
  27. backup_par_file = "cp -f" + " " + fcd_par_file + " " + fcd_par_file + "." + to_time
  28. diff_fcd_file = "diff" + " " + fcd_file + " " + fcd_file + "." + to_time + "| grep '^<'"
  29. diff_par_file = "diff" + " " + fcd_par_file + " " + fcd_par_file + "." + to_time + "| grep '^<'"
  30. STATS = []

  31. host = ''
  32. fcname = 'dily'
  33. fkey = 'xxxxxx'
  34. mytime=time.strftime('%Y%m%d',time.localtime(time.time()))

  35. def Get_token(_key=fkey,salt=mytime):
  36.     """获取BOSS_API的token值"""
  37.     m = hashlib.md5()
  38.     m.update(salt +'md5',_key).hexdigest())
  39.     fctoken = m.hexdigest()
  40.     return fctoken

  41. def Suspend_parsing():
  42.     """通过BOSS_API暂停BOSS解析"""
  43.     domain_data = json.dumps({
  44.         "fctoken" : Get_token(),
  45.         "fcname" : fcname,
  46.         "hostname": socket.gethostname().split(".")[0],
  47.         "op" : "pause",
  48.         "remark" : "fcd自动升级。联系人:Dily"
  49.     })

  50.     request = urllib2.Request(host,domain_data)
  51.     try:
  52.         response = urllib2.urlopen(request,timeout = 30)
  53.     except urllib2.URLError as e:
  54.         if hasattr(e,'reason'):
  55.             logging.error(' Forward API server no response.')
  56.             logging.error(' Reason: %s',e.reason)
  57.         elif hasattr(e,'code'):
  58.             logging.error(' The server could not fulfill the request.')
  59.             logging.error(' Error code: %s',e.code)
  60.     else:
  61.         resp =
  62.         res = json.loads(resp)
  63.         response.close()

  64.         if res['status'] == 1:
  65.   ' %s Suspend parsing OK',res['info'])
  66.             return True
  67.         else:
  68.             logging.error(' %s Suspend parsing Faild',res['info'])
  69.             return False

  70. def Restore_parsing():
  71.     """通过BOSS_API恢复BOSS解析"""
  72.     domain_data = json.dumps({
  73.         "fctoken" : Get_token(),
  74.         "fcname" : fcname,
  75.         "hostname": socket.gethostname().split(".")[0],
  76.         "op" : "recover",
  77.         "remark" : "fcd自动升级。联系人:Dily"
  78.     })

  79.     request = urllib2.Request(host,domain_data)
  80.     try:
  81.         response = urllib2.urlopen(request,timeout = 30)
  82.     except urllib2.URLError as e:
  83.         if hasattr(e,'reason'):
  84.             logging.error(' Forward API server no response.')
  85.             logging.error(' Reason: %s',e.reason)
  86.         elif hasattr(e,'code'):
  87.   ' The server could not fulfill the request.')
  88.             logging.error(' Error code: %s',e.code)
  89.     else:
  90.         resp =
  91.         res = json.loads(resp)
  92.         response.close()

  93.         if res['status'] == 1:
  94.   ' %s Suspend parsing OK',res['info'])
  95.             return True
  96.         else:
  97.             logging.error(' %s Suspend parsing Faild',res['info'])
  98.             return False

  99. def nic():
  100.     """自动识别在用的网卡名"""
  101.     s = {}
  102.     with open("/proc/net/dev") as f:
  103.         lines = f.readlines()
  104.     for line in lines[2:]:
  105.         colon = line.rfind(':')
  106.         assert colon > 0, repr(line)
  107.         name = line[:colon].strip()
  108.         fields = line[colon + 1:].strip().split()
  109.         if name != 'lo':
  110.             s[name] = int(fields[0])
  111.     rx = (lambda x: max(x))(s.values())
  113.     for key in s:
  114.         if s[key] == rx:
  115.             return key

  116. def net_io(_INTERFACE=nic()):
  117.     """网卡进出流量计数器"""
  118.     with open("/proc/net/dev") as f:
  119.         lines = f.readlines()
  120.     for line in lines[2:]:
  121.         colon = line.rfind(':')
  122.         assert colon > 0, repr(line)
  123.         name = line[:colon].strip()
  124.         if _INTERFACE in name:
  125.           fields = line[colon + 1:].strip().split()
  126.           bytes_recv = int(fields[0])
  127.           bytes_sent = int(fields[8])
  128.     return bytes_recv,bytes_sent
  130. def rx():
  131.     """网卡接收流量"""
  132.     ifstat = open('/proc/net/dev').readlines()
  133.     for interface in ifstat:
  134.         if INTERFACE in interface:
  135.             stat,b = net_io()
  136.             STATS[0:] = [stat]
  138. def tx():
  139.     """网卡传输流量"""
  140.     ifstat = open('/proc/net/dev').readlines()
  141.     for interface in ifstat:
  142.         if INTERFACE in interface:
  143.             a,stat = net_io()
  144.             STATS[1:] = [stat]

  145. def IsOpen(ip,port):
  146.     """服务检测"""
  147.     s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  148.     try:
  149.         s.connect((ip,int(port)))
  150.         s.shutdown(2)
  151.' %d port is open',port)
  152.         return True
  153.     except:
  154.' %d port is close',port)
  155.         return False

  156. def netM(_Threshold=Threshold):
  157.     """按网卡传输5次的平均值监控流量"""
  158.     rx()
  159.     tx()
  161.     while True:
  162.         time.sleep(5)
  163.         rxstat_o = list(STATS)
  164.         rx()
  165.         tx()
  166.         RX = float(STATS[0])
  167.         RX_O = rxstat_o[0]
  168.         TX = float(STATS[1])
  169.         TX_O = rxstat_o[1]
  170.         RX_RATE = round((RX - RX_O)/1024/5,2)
  171.         TX_RATE = round((TX - TX_O)/1024/5,2)
  172.' recv traffic is %s KB, send traffic is %s KB.', RX_RATE,TX_RATE)
  173.         if TX_RATE <= _Threshold:
  174.             print '流量切换完成,执行下一步操作!'
  175.   ' 流量切换完成,执行下一步操作!')
  176.             break

  177. def Suspend_cluster():
  178.     """暂停集群"""
  179.' 本机器有集群设置')
  180.' 备份fcd配置文件 %s 到 %s.%s',fcd_file,fcd_file,to_time)
  182.' 备份fcd_par配置文件 %s 到 %s.%s',fcd_par_file,fcd_par_file,to_time)
  184.' 注释fcd集群')
  186.' 注释fcd_par集群')
  188.' diff fcd新旧配置文件 starting')
  189.     fcd = subprocess.Popen(diff_fcd_file,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
  190.     for line in fcd.stdout.readlines():
  191.' %s',line.strip())
  192.' diff fcd新旧配置文件 ending')
  193.' diff fcd_par新旧配置文件 starting')
  194.     par = subprocess.Popen(diff_par_file,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
  195.     for line in par.stdout.readlines():
  196.' %s',line.strip())
  197.' diff fcd_par新旧配置文件 ending')
  198.' starting reload fastcache')
  199.     fcd_reload_after = subprocess.Popen(reload_fcd,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
  200.     for line in fcd_reload_after.stdout.readlines():
  201.' %s',line.strip())
  202.' ending reload fastcache')

  203. def Restore_cluster():
  204.     """恢复集群"""
  207.' diff fcd新旧配置文件 starting')
  208.     fcd_after = subprocess.Popen(diff_fcd_file,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
  209.     for line in fcd_after.stdout.readlines():
  210.' %s',line.strip())
  211.' diff fcd新旧配置文件 ending')
  212.' diff fcd_par新旧配置文件 starting')
  213.     par_after = subprocess.Popen(diff_par_file,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
  214.     for line in par_after.stdout.readlines():
  215.' %s',line.strip())
  216.' diff fcd_par新旧配置文件 ending')
  217.' starting reload fastcache')
  218.     fcd_reload_after = subprocess.Popen(reload_fcd,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
  219.     for line in fcd_reload_after.stdout.readlines():
  220.' %s',line.strip())
  221.' ending reload fastcache')

  222. def mylog_init():
  223.     """日志格式初始化"""
  224.     logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG,
  225.     format='%(asctime)s %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s',
  226.     datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S',
  227.     filename='fcd_test.log',
  228.     filemode='w')

  229. def Usage():
  230.     """fcd自动升级用法"""
  231.     if len(sys.argv) < 2:
  232.         print '''\
  233.     No action specified.
  234.     Detailed inquiry help
  235.     eg. : python --help'''
  236.         sys.exit()

  237.     if sys.argv[1].startswith('--'):
  238.         option = sys.argv[1][2:]
  239.         if option == 'version':
  240.             print 'Version 1.0'
  241.         elif option == 'help':
  242.             print '''\
  243.     这个程序主要处理fcd的自动升级;参数是shell升级脚本。见help!
  244.     参数必须和升级程序在同一目录,或者指定shell升级脚本的绝对路径!
  245.     Options include:
  246.       --version : Prints the version number
  247.       --help : Display this help
  248.         argv[1] : upgrade sh file
  249.         eg. : python or python /tmp/'''
  250.         else:
  251.             print '''\
  252.     Unknown option.
  253.     Detailed inquiry help
  254.     eg. : python --help'''
  255.         sys.exit()

  256. def main():
  257.     """主函数"""
  258.     Usage()

  259.     if os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]):
  260.         upgrade_sh = "sh"+ " " + sys.argv[1]
  261.     else:
  262.         print '请确认文件是否存在'
  263.         sys.exit(1)

  264.     global INTERFACE
  265.     INTERFACE = nic()

  266.     mylog_init()

  267.' Interface : %s',INTERFACE)
  268.     if Suspend_parsing():
  269.         if IsOpen(ip,port):
  270.             Suspend_cluster()
  271.   ' 开始监控网卡流量')
  272.             netM()
  273.             retcode =,shell=True)
  274.             if retcode != 0:
  275.                 logging.error(" Execute the script errors. return %d", -retcode)
  276.                 Restore_cluster()
  277.             else:
  278.       " Execute the script successfully. return %d", retcode)
  279.                 Restore_cluster()
  280.                 if Restore_parsing():
  281.           ' 本机IP已经恢复解析')
  282.                 else:
  283.                     logging.warning(' 请先检查本机IP是否恢复解析')
  284.         else:
  285.   ' 本机器无集群设置')
  286.             netM()
  287.             retcode =,shell=True)
  288.             if retcode != 0:
  289.                 logging.error(" Execute the script errors. return %d", -retcode)
  290.             else:
  291.       " Execute the script successfully. return %d", retcode)
  292.                 if Restore_parsing():
  293.           ' 本机IP已经恢复解析')
  294.                 else:
  295.                     logging.warning(' 请先检查本机IP是否恢复解析')
  296.     else:
  297.         logging.warning(' 请先检查本机IP是否暂停解析')

  298. if __name__ == '__main__':
  299.     main()

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