2015-02-10 17:48:26
While the trap command has solved the problem, we can see that it has some limitations. Most importantly, it will only accept a single string containing the command to be performed when the signal is received. You could get clever and use ";" and put multiple commands in the string to get more complex behavior, but frankly, it's ugly. A better way would be to create a function that is called when you want to perform any actions at the end of your script. In my scripts, I call this function clean_up.
#!/bin/bash # Program to print a text file with headers and footers TEMP_FILE=/tmp/printfile.txt clean_up() { # Perform program exit housekeeping rm $TEMP_FILE exit } trap clean_up SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM pr $1 > $TEMP_FILE echo -n "Print file? [y/n]: " read if [ "$REPLY" = "y" ]; then lpr $TEMP_FILE fi clean_up