background: 公司里是一个server大家一起用,有公用的vim不好用,想自己安一个,其实就是在常规的安装基础上指定一下自己的目录,vim会安装到自己目录下,superuser里找的,就是在用./configure的时候, 加一个 --prefix=/home/... 就行了
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Change the prefix:
When compiling, use the option --prefix=/home/myaccount (or whatever you want), or
Edit the prefix option in src/makefile to something like /home/myaccount or just $(HOME)
When you run make install, it will install the files using the prefix you specified (e.g. binaries will be installed to /home/myaccount/bin)
Change your prefix to include /home/myaccount/bin in .bash_profile or .profile.
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