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2012-10-21 18:06:10

1.2 重载操作符new/delete实现内存监控


//Define a big enough global table.

void *operator new(size_t size)


            void *p = malloc(size);

            record p in the global table; //If multithreads, mutex needed

            return p;


void operator delete(void *p)


            remove the record from global table; //If multithreads, mutex needed



程序可以定期打印出global table内容以查看有无泄漏。


1.3 智能指针(Smart Pointer

智能指针是对原始指针(Raw Pointer)的智能管理,它对原始指针进行引用计数,对指针的拷贝、销毁进行监控,只有在引用计数为0时才真正删除,同时还可以预防空指针的访问。智能指针提高了指针使用的安全性,而且还可以在一定程度上像Java一样做到内存回收,避免了内存泄漏。


class Target;

/** This class represents a smart pointer to Target. */
class SmartPtr

    /** Default constructor */
    /** Copy Constructor */
    SmartPtr( const SmartPtr& tg);
    /** Construct smart pointer from a new target */
    SmartPtr(Target* target);
    /** Destructor */
    // Assignment operator

    SmartPtr& operator=(const SmartPtr& p);
    // Assignment operator

    SmartPtr& operator=(Target* p);

    /** Returns true if the smart pointer has not been initialized with
     * a target.

    bool isNil();

    /** Make the smart pointer uninitialized (i.e., the smart pointer is no longer pointing
     * to any target object.

    void nil();
    Target* operator->() const;
    // Pointer to actual object

    Target* m_tgtPtr;



#include "/Target.h"
#include "SmartPtr.h"

        // This initializes the object pointer to null.

        m_tgtPtr = (Target *)0L;

SmartPtr::SmartPtr(const SmartPtr& dp )
    m_tgtPtr = (Target *)0L;     

    /* This next statement uses the overloaded operator=(SmartPtr&) defined below
     * to decrement the reference count for the
     * old Target object used by this class and increment the
     * usage count for the new Target object.

    *this = dp;

SmartPtr::SmartPtr( Target *dp )
    m_tgtPtr = (Target *)0L;

    /* This next statement uses the overloaded operator=(Target *) defined below
     * to decrement the reference count for the
     * old Target object used by this class and increment the
     * usage count for the new Target object.

    *this = dp;

    // This will cause a decrement of the Target reference count

    // via the operator=(Target *) defined below

    *this = (Target *) 0L;

SmartPtr& SmartPtr::operator= (const SmartPtr& newPtr)
    // This has the effect of calling the overloaded operator=(Target *)

    // method which adjusts the Target reference count

    *this = newPtr.m_tgtPtr;

    return *this;

bool SmartPtr::isNil()
    return( ( dPtr == 0L ) );

void SmartPtr::nil()
    // This will cause a decrement of the Target reference count

    // via the operator=(Target *) defined below

    *this = 0L;


// This overloading will allow the user of this handle to access public

// methods and data members of Target, as though they were members of SmartPtr.

// For example, where you might do a req->setX() you can do a reqPtr->setX() with the same

// effect

Target *SmartPtr::operator-> () const

SmartPtr& SmartPtr::operator= (Target *newTgt)
    /* This method is the main method keeping track of the
     * reference count for the associated Target object.

    // If the pointer passed is not null then bump up the reference

    // count for the source Target.

    if(newTgt != 0L )

    // If the pointer this object is currently using is not null

    // then decrement the count for that pointer.

    if(m_tgtPtr != 0L ) {

        // If the count has reached zero, then it is time to delete this

        // object

        if(m_tgtPtr->decrRefCount() == 0 )
            delete m_tgtPtr;

    // Have this smart pointer now point to the new Target object.

    m_tgtPtr = newTgt;



#include “SmartPtr.h”
class Target
        m_refCount = 0;

    virtual ~Target();
    void DoSth();
    friend class SmartPtr;
    int incrRefCount()
        return ++m_refCount; //Mutex protection needed for multi-threads


int decrRefCount()
    if(--m_refCount < 0) //Mutex protection needed for multi-threads

        m_refCount = 0;
    return m_refCount;

int m_refCount;
//Add mutex for multi-threads


    m_refCount = 0;


void Foo()
Target *p = new Target();
SmartPtr sp(p);
SmartPtr sp2 = p; //p’s reference count is 2

sp2->DoSth();        // p will be destroyed automatically after function returns




1.4 STL





STL(Standard Template Library,标准模板库) 是泛型编程的一个代表作品。STL是一个容器(Container)的集合(比如listvector),它的主要概念是ContainterIterator。它使用很方便,而且效率很高。




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