2013-04-28 18:52:21
/** mv1.c ** ------------------------------------------------------------ This version of mv accepts a directory name as the second argument. In that case the source item is moved into that directory. sol04.16.c. ** ------------------------------------------------------------ ** * A version of mv that accepts a directory name as second argument * * usage: mv src dest * if dest names a directory, then rename src to dest/src * Note: if src has a leading path, then only use last component * Also: if dest is on a different file system then copy the file */ #include#include #include #include #include #include void oops(char *, char *); int main(int ac, char *av[]) { if ( ac != 3 ){ fprintf( stderr, "usage: %s source destination\n", *av); exit(1); } return do_mv(av[1], av[2]); } /* * Renames a file from src to dest * * If dest is a directory, then do_mv() moves to an item * in dest with the name taken from the filename for src */ int do_mv(char *src, char *dest) { char *destfilename; char *make_destfilename(char*,char*); int rv; destfilename = make_destfilename(src, dest); rv = rename(src,destfilename); /* * If target is different file system, try copy and remove */ if ( rv == -1 && errno == EXDEV ) rv = copy_and_unlink(src,destfilename); if ( rv == -1 ){ fprintf(stderr,"mv: cannot mv %s -> %s: ", src, dest); perror(""); } return rv; } void oops(char *s1, char *s2) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: %s ", s1); perror(s2); exit(1); } /* * if dest is a directory, then combine src and dest * (see header to this program) */ char * make_destfilename(char *src, char *dest) { struct stat info; char *srcfilename; char *rv; if ( stat(dest, &info) == -1 ) /* is a new filename */ return dest; if ( ! S_ISDIR(info.st_mode) ) /* pre is a dir or old filename ,if a dir,ok to copy to other types */ return dest; /* find last component of source name */ if ( (srcfilename = strrchr(src, '/')) != NULL ) srcfilename++; else srcfilename = src; /* use that to construct target name */ rv = malloc(strlen(srcfilename) + strlen(dest) + 2); if ( rv == NULL ) oops("Out of memory",""); sprintf(rv, "%s/%s", dest, srcfilename); return rv; } /* * copy_and_unlink(old,new) * purpose: copy a file and unlink the original * reason: links cannot be moved to different file systems * action: makes a copy using standard i/o lib * returns: 0 for OK or -1 for file errors * details: tedious. If unlink fails, then unlink target * NEEDS: needs to copy permission bits to new file */ copy_and_unlink(char *old, char *new) { FILE *fpin, *fpout; int c; int rv = 0; /** open files **/ if ( (fpin = fopen(old,"r")) == NULL ) return -1; if ( (fpout = fopen(new, "w")) == NULL ){ fclose(fpin); return -1; } /** do copy **/ while( rv == 0 && (c = getc(fpin)) != EOF ) if ( putc(c, fpout) == EOF ) rv = -1; /** close files: if error, abandon project **/ if ( fclose(fpin) == EOF || fclose(fpout) == EOF ){ rv = -1; unlink(new); } /** otherwise try to unlink original **/ else if ( unlink(old) == -1 ){ rv = -1; unlink(new); } /** whew! **/ return rv; }