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python>>> help(json)
style="color:#666666;font-family:宋体, Arial;line-height:26px;white-space:normal;background-color:#FFFFFF;" />
import json
#Function:Analyze json script
#Json is a script can descript data structure as xml,
#for detail, please refer to " style="color:#0000CC;">.
#1.Also, if you write json script from python,
#you should use dump instead of load. pleaser refer to "help(json)".
#json file:
#The file content of temp.json is:
# "name":"00_sample_case1",
# "description":"an example."
#json string:
s = json.loads('{"name":"test", "type":{"name":"seq", "parameter":["1", "2"]}}')
print s
print s.keys()
print s["name"]
print s["type"]["name"]
print s["type"]["parameter"][1]
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