最近做的项目涉及到这些问题,开发web系统时有时会有以下需求,希望某类或者某已知MIME 类型的文件(比如:*.flv;*.txt;*.htm等)能够在访问时弹出“文件下载”对话框, 其次希望以原始文件名(上传时的文件名,例如:test.mp4)提供下载,但服务器上保存的地址却是其他文件名(如:test1.mp4), 希望某文件直接在浏览器上显示而不是弹出文件下载对话框.对于上面的需求,使用Content-Disposition属性就可以解决。下面是代码示例:
response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + fileName)。
//1、使用fileName = new String(fileName.getBytes(), "ISO8859-1")语句
//2、使用fileName = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(filename, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)语句
要想实现服务文件下载功能就得在Content-disposition 是 MIME 协议的扩展,Content-disposition 是 MIME 协议的扩展,MIME 协议指示 MIME 用户代理如何显示附加的文件。Content-disposition其实可以控制用户请求所得的内容存为一个文件的时候提供一个默认的文件名,文件直接在浏览器上显示或者在访问时弹出文件下载对话框。 ,MIME 协议指示 MIME 用户代理如何显示附加的文件。当 Internet Explorer 接收到头时,它会激活文件下载对话框,它的文件名框自动填充了头中指定的文件名。(请注意,这是设计导致的;无法使用此功能将文档保存到用户的计算机上,而不向用户询问保存位置。)
content-disposition = “Content-Disposition” “:”
disposition-type *( “;” disposition-parm )
disposition-type = “attachment” | disp-extension-token
disposition-parm = filename-parm | disp-extension-parm
filename-parm = “filename” “=” quoted-string
disp-extension-token = token
disp-extension-parm = token “=” ( token | quoted-string )
那么由上可知具体的例子:Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=“filename.xls”,attachment --- 作为附件下载, inline --- 在线打开, 当然filename参数可以包含路径信息,但User-Agnet会忽略掉这些信息,只会把路径信息的最后一部分做为文件名。当你在响应类型为 application/octet- stream情况下使用了这个头信息的话,那就意味着你不想直接显示内容,而是弹出一个”文件下载”的对话框,接下来就是由你来决定“打开”还是“保存” 了。Content-disposition是MIME协议的扩展,由于多方面的安全性考虑没有被标准化,所以可能某些浏览器不支持,比如说IE4.01
我们可以使用程序来使用它,也可以在web服务器(比如IIS)上使用它,只需要在http header上做相应的设置即可 。Communicating Presentation Information in Internet Messages: The Content-Disposition Header 这是一篇关于Content-Disposition的文章().
通过上述,我在goahead-3.1.3中添加 了如下代码(参照过csdn上一位网友后修改的代码):
/************* File Down *****************/
static bool
FileDownHandler( Webs *wp )
WebsFileInfo info;
char *tmp, *date;
ssize nchars;
int code;
char *pathfile_name; /* Take the path of the file name To find the corresponding file */
char *filename_Ext; /* File extension is used to set the MIME type */
char *filename; /* The file name Used to save the file name after download */
char *disposition; /* Temporary save attachment logo */
assert( websValid( wp ) );
assert( wp->method );
assert( wp->filename && wp->filename[0] );
pathfilename = websGetVar( wp, "FileName", NULL );
if ( pathfilename == NULL )
filename = sclone( getUrlLastSplit( sclone( pathfilename ), "/" ) );
filenameExt = sclone( getUrlLastSplit( sclone( filename ), "." ) );
DBG( "filename:%s\n", filename );
DBG( "filenameExt:%s\n", filenameExt );
if ( wp->ext )
wfree( wp->ext );
wp->ext = walloc( 1 + strlen( filenameExt ) + 1 );
sprintf( wp->ext, ".%s", sclone( filenameExt ) );
free( filenameExt );
filenameExt = NULL;
if ( wp->filename )
wfree( wp->filename ) ;
wp->filename = sclone( pathfilename );
if ( wp->path )
wfree( wp->path );
wp->path = sclone( pathfilename );
#if !BIT_ROM
if ( smatch( wp->method, "DELETE" ) )
if ( unlink( wp->filename ) < 0 )
websError( wp, HTTP_CODE_NOT_FOUND, "Can't delete the URI" );
}else {
/* No content */
websResponse( wp, 204, 0 );
}else if ( smatch( wp->method, "PUT" ) )
/* Code is already set for us by processContent() */
websResponse( wp, wp->code, 0 );
#endif /* !BIT_ROM */
* If the file is a directory, redirect using the nominated default page
if ( websPageIsDirectory( wp ) )
nchars = strlen( wp->path );
if ( wp->path[nchars - 1] == '/' || wp->path[nchars - 1] == '\\' )
wp->path[--nchars] = '\0';
tmp = sfmt( "%s/%s", wp->path, websIndex );
websRedirect( wp, tmp );
wfree( tmp );
if ( websPageOpen( wp, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0666 ) < 0 )
printf( "\n \033[33m websPageOpen \033[0m \n" );
if ( wp->referrer )
trace( 1, "From %s", wp->referrer );
websError( wp, HTTP_CODE_NOT_FOUND, "Cannot open document for: %s", wp->path );
DBG( "4" );
if ( websPageStat( wp, &info ) < 0 )
websError( wp, HTTP_CODE_NOT_FOUND, "Cannot stat page for URL" );
DBG( "5" );
code = 200;
if ( wp->since && info.mtime <= wp->since )
code = 304;
websSetStatus( wp, code );
DBG( "6" );
websWriteHeaders( wp, info.size, 0 );
DBG( "7" );
disposition = walloc( 20 + strlen( filename ) + 1 );
sprintf( disposition, "attachment;filename=%s", sclone( filename ) );
DBG( "%s", disposition );
websWriteHeader( wp, "Content-Disposition", sclone( disposition ) );
free( filename );
free( disposition );
filename = NULL;
disposition = NULL;
if ( (date = websGetDateString( &info ) ) != NULL )
websWriteHeader( wp, "Last-modified", "%s", date );
wfree( date );
websWriteEndHeaders( wp );
* All done if the browser did a HEAD request
if ( smatch( wp->method, "HEAD" ) )
websDone( wp );
websSetBackgroundWriter( wp, fileWriteEvent );
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