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2012-10-11 15:41:01

Observing and describing quality  如何观测以及描述质量
This text will describe how I want us to deal with system quality from a user perspective. The question I will talk about is how to describe real system quality.   
Ideally we would like to be able to state that we know that the system works well in all the configurations and in all the scenarios the customer plans to use the system when we are ready to deliver. We would also like to be able to describe performance for all the configurations to be used.
In the real world things are never that ideal. During ongoing development we need to know the status of our product/system being developed. When deciding whether to deliver or to delay the delivery we need to understand how well the system would work in the customer environment. Before the intended time of delivery we need to know how well the system works in order to decide what to focus on in the project. In order to manage the project well we need to know the quality of the system being developed all the time during the ongoing project.
而当我们回到现实世界的时候,事情往往没那么完美。 在开发过程中,我们需要了解的是正在开发的系统/产品的状态。当我们要对交付或延迟交付做出决策的时候,我们需要非常清楚系统在客户环境下运行会有多好。在预期交付日期之前我们需要理解系统运行情况,以便能确定我们在项目中关注什么。 为了管理好项目,我们需要在整个项目进展过程中清楚我们所开发系统的质量情况。
Our language uses words like "we have tested ...." where we really should say "we know the following ....". The inverse is saying "we have not tested ...."  where we should say "we do not know ....".
But in the real world saying that we have tested something does not really mean that we know. In the same way we can truly say that we do know certain things without having tested them.
The most common case is a project that starts with a legacy system that we know quite well. By knowing it well I mean that we know what is does well and we know its weaknesses. It also means that we know how well different scenarios are handled by the system as well as different configurations.
However the truth is that we know little or nothing about scenarios that do not appear in customer networks as well as about configurations that are actually not used. Even worse is that we too often do not really know which the unused scenarios and the unused configurations really are. We may know some of them but not all. Most often if they do not cause problems in the customer networks we assume that they are used and that they work well! The truth is instead that many scenarios and many configurations do not cause trouble because they are simply not used.
然而,事实是我们对那些在客户网络不会出现的场景以及不会被真正使用的配置知之甚少或全然不知。更差的是我们经常都不知道哪一个是真正不被使用的场景和配置,我们可能知道一些但不了解全部。 经常发生的是,如果他们没有在客户网络中产生问题,我们就会假设他们已经被使用并运行良好!真实情况是相反的,很多场景和配置没有带来问题因为他们完全没有被使用。
Healthy project should focus on two different areas, improving the existing system and adding new features. Good engineers make sure we know all the changes we make and how we make them. When this is true we can make good decisions about how to verify the result of the project which is the same as saying making sure we know the quality of the new system. What we decide to test and how we decide to test is purely based on good judgment by good engineers who know the baseline system, who understand the new features and how they will be used and who know the people who make the changes in the system.
一个健康运作的项目应该关注两件事:改进已有系统和增加新特性。优秀的工程师会确保自己对系统的所有更改以及如何更改了如指掌。如果是这样,我们就能作出好的决定来如何验证项目的结果,也就是说可以保证我们了解新系统的质量。 “如何测”,“测什么”,这些问题的答案都依赖于优秀的工程师的准确判断,这些工程师了解我们系统的基线,理解新需求以及这些需求将会被如何使用,知道哪些人对系统引入了变更。
The final verdict about system quality comes from the combination of facts from testing and knowledge that good engineers have about the legacy system and about the project (people and ways of working). Even the so called facts from testing are also built on judgment from good engineers about what needs to be tested and how we need to test it. If these engineers do not have good judgment their conclusions about system quality have little value. They may have bad judgment because they have too little experience, because they do not know the system and its use well enough, because they do not know the project and its people or they are simply not good engineers although they have lots of experience. All those cases are common.
对一个系统的质量的最终判定来自于三方面的综合审视,分别是测试结果,优秀的工程师对系统的了解,以及他们对项目的了解(项目中成员和工作方式等)。而测试结果其实也是基于我们优秀的工程师的判断:他们会决定“测什么”,“怎么测”。 如果这些工程师们的判断出现问题,那么他们对系统质量的结论其实也并没有什么价值。 错误的判断可能是因为他们经验不足或者对系统不了解,也有可能是他们对项目不了解,甚至有可能他们根本不是优秀的工程师,即便有些人有很多年的工作经验。所有这些都是经常发生的
Facts about a system are not only found out through testing. Another way is through interviewing the designers checking what they intended to make the system do. Systems do not really take care of cases or configurations they were not intended to care of. Interviews can find misunderstandings of specifications as well as intended deviations from specifications.
Also in some cases code reviews will reveal facts about what the design intended to achieve or did not intend to achieve. Both reviewing the code and reading the comments in the software modules may reveal a lot of interesting facts. Some of these findings may need to be supported by testing or they can help us indicate important test cases to run. A lot of important facts about a system is simply not described in the documentation but some of it can be found by reading source code.
During a project we make decisions about changes or additions that will improve or ruin the system. Many of the decisions introduce risk and this risk has to be controlled making sure that the end result is good. As a project moves forward we need to monitor the result of all the changes made. As we come into system level testing we start building knowledge about the final system. During this final phase which is rather long in a well planned project we need to keep describing what we know and what we do not know about what works well or as intended. In short we need to describe more or less continuously how well the system presently works or, put differently, how well it would work in a customer network in case we would deliver to customers now.
Our testers need to know our systems. They also need to know our system designers and developers to make good cooperation possible.
I expect both testers and system engineers to know our systems well. It is not sufficient that testers know the results of the test cases that have been run. It is not sufficient that system engineers know how the features were intended to work. When a system is delivered they must know very well how the features and the complete system actually works.  I also expect developers to get the opportunity to learn about how well the system works to be able to move on be testers or system engineers as well as to do a better job as developers.
Quality of a system is about what works well and how well it works in what configurations and in what scenarios, not about the number of defects and certainly not about the number of defects testers have chosen to document.
Budgeting ! 项目和资源预算管理
Assigning a budget for a line unit is a way of deciding how many people to use and what other costs will be accepted for the project.
Assigning a budget for a project means deciding what the project is allowed to cost.
Project budgets:
These are in a well working company used as a way to assign people into the future for different projects and for estimating what can be achieved in the near future. Every company has limited resources (people with the right competence). If the sum of the project budgets for the next year exceed the existing resources (line budgets) there will be problems. The projects (or at lest some of them) will fail because we do not have enough able people.
In not very smart organisations budgets are assigned by counting people, only numbers matter. In smarter organisations budgets contain names and consider the availability of key people. Very few organisations do this, maybe actually no big organisations, although we know the limitations of what can be achieved in a large organisations is not about number of people but about what people we choose.
In the development world it is said that estimations of development projects are often very inaccurate since history tells us that the cost of the project of the project often turned out to be three , five or ten times as large as estimated.  I will name only a few reasons for the deviation from the original estimate. One reason is managers keep adding requirements to projects long after the estimations were made. Secondly system engineers tend to add complexity for some good and some bad reasons making the task more difficult thereby adding work to the project. Thirdly estimations are often made assuming we can use the best people we have for the project. If these people are switched for more beginners the amount of people and time needed will increase enormously. Fourthly many managers have their own ambitions, wanting to implement certain products or features, so they fake the estimations to present something more attractive. They know they will be able to find lots of excuses when the outcome is a much larger project than estimated. Also very often the responsibility will have been transferred to some other manager who will have to take care of the results of the bad estimations when the project is finally finished! My experience tells me many estimates are not so bad but project implementations either deviate a lot from the original basis for estimation or/and projects are badly run (very, very common).
在产品开发的世界中,开发项目的估计经常是不准确的,因为历史告诉我们,项目的实际成本会是估计成本的三倍、五倍或大到十倍。我这里给出一些偏离估计的原因:第一,管理者在项目估计之后很长时间里,持续的增加需求。第二,系统工程师处于一些好的或不好的原因,打算增加一些复杂性,由于项目任务难度增加导致工作增加。第三,我们在估计时是基于我们能使用最好的人员这样的前提假设,如果这些人员被其他的新人替换,那么我们所需的人员和时间就会急剧增加。第四,很多管理者有着自己的野心,打算实现某些产品或特性,所以他们伪造估计来表现的更加有吸引力。他们知道当结果超出预算估计时,很多时候他们能够找到很多借口,而且当项目最终结束后,责任往往会转移到其他的管理者身上,其他的管理者身将不得不对糟糕的估计预算结果负责。我的经验告诉我,有些项目的初始估计可能不是很糟糕,但要么是后来执行中和原始估计偏差很多,要么项目运作的非常的糟糕。(very, very common)
In a well working project the involved people will make an estimation they believe in. In a well working environment people outside the project will have very little influence on the estimations because they will not work in the project. In such an organisation managers will assign individuals (not numbers of people) and they will keep these people in the project. If outside managers try to steal their people for saving other projects there will be violent protests. In such a well working organisation the capable people will make estimates of number of work hours but they will take into account available people, complexity and other things and their estimates will be followed. Higher level managers can not override their estimates.
When higher level managers override estimates, saying we have to do it at a lower cost, and saying we have to deliver on time the solution is lagomising. In such a situation product management can usually not be involved because they are usually cowards. It must be the development project defining a simpler product, giving a small enough project making it possible to deliver the product with excellent quality on time. THIS I HAVE DONE SO MANY TIMES!
In not so well working organisations what happens when too low budgets and not enough good people are allocated to a project is that system quality will suffer.
The project management must have a lot of courage to do lagomising and they need to be supported by their line managers. Managers who are cowards we can not have!
In line organisations where several projects are being run it is usually impossible to follow up project costs because the internal accounting systems in most companies are not good enough and also people do not really report well what they do. People who are assigned to one main project keep reporting that they work on this project although they may help colleagues half a day now and then. People usually focus on getting the job done, not on reporting time correctly!
I have seen cases where line managers who are responsible for finishing one project and for starting another project tell their people to report time on the new project although they still work on the old project when the old project has exceeded its budget.
Also accounting systems have such a large delay that the accounting reports are useless for running projects - I never used them at all! The only case when a project accounting report can have some value is when numbers say that less effort than planned is going into the project. On the other hand if the responsible managers do not already know it when the numbers say so they need to find another job!
The only two important things to follow and to control in a project are product quality and delivery time! The only way to stay reasonably within budget is to deliver on time!
I want the project manager to focus on product quality and delivery time and the line manager to focus on balancing the budgets between ongoing projects making it possible for all projects to be successful.
Line budgets:
Line budgets need to be based on products or product areas and the responsible PDU or similar level managers can move people freely with his line organisation. On a lower level than the PDU we need to set budgets as a basis for recruiting but at an operating level they mean nothing. Line managers are free to move people between different projects and between different activities like support and development as long as the responsible project or line managers agree to the changes, otherwise not!
Most line budgets really mean how many people the unit has. Following up line budgets is usually easy and meaningless!
I do not want us to have project managers buying people from line managers. To me it feels like slavery. Also it would probably go against all that is good in Huawei. One of those issues is flexibility. We need to remain flexible. With contracts for paying for people I believe we would only create a lot of useless administration only making work more difficult. On the other hand if project managers pay for people they must pay for individuals not for number of people.
However we need to improve our ability to define projects, estimate projects and run projects to reduce the need for so much flexibility. I want us to make our managers be flexible and helpful to another. If we focus very much on keeping budgets and formality around this the managers will spend less time and effort on helping the project and more on pretending to be successful - I do not want this to happen in Huawei! I HAVE SEEN THIS HAPPEN!
Adapting project budgets over time:
Managers ask how to change project budgets on a monthly basis. The answer is project plans shall be followed. A good project plan means we have planned thoroughly what people to use when until the project is ready. These plans shall not be changed all the time. Adding or reducing budgets for a project causes a lot of damage to the project. Project management should not have to spend time on preplanning the project and remaining it when managers have stolen their people. Project managers should also not have to waste a lot of time in meetings defending their project against theft of people from other projects.
I understand in Huawei we do not ruin projects by cutting budgets. We use much more sophisticated methods. Management tells the project manager that he/she keeps his/her budget but some of the good people are stolen and replaced by beginners. Since the budget is the same the project manager is supposed to deliver on time and with good quality. This I think is playing games. We should not do this!!!
When there are very good reasons to make changes in a project we should do it through the people in the project. Projects must not be changed many times. I think the fact that people are used to frequent changes explains why no project planning is well done. It is useless since management will ruin everything many times during project execution. Planning is considered just a waste of time. This must stop!!!
Let the line managers follow up budgets and project managers drive projects!
Following up customer responses on products and project delivery is everything!
A true story about real quality management
A true story about real quality management
This is a story about a radio base station project several years ago. Actually it was a complete system project but my focus was on the radio base station. The project developed a new generation of base stations where basically all the hardware and all the software was new - the most terrible kind of project. What made it even worse was that the mobile standard was also new and untried.
The project was from the start a very challenging one with a very demanding customer and a very short time from project start to delivery. Many people thought the whole project was impossible but top management decided to do it!
This story will talk about a small part of the project developing the operation and maintenance software for the base station. Some time into the project it was found that this sub project was about to risk the whole project because their time schedule did not meet the needs. The company asked all the different teams to put together schedules they believed in and in this case the result was far from acceptable.
I was asked to leave my present task and take over this sub project to make sure they would not ruin the whole project. The whole project had been planned based on a system anatomy using organic integration as the planning principle. I found out that this team had not really understood how to do the planning. Even more they did not think organic integration was possible or a good idea. Like so many people I have met they only believed in ways of working they had seen before which was really waterfall development. This was in the early days of using anatomy and organic integration so it was understandable that not everyone understood how to do it and that not everyone thought this was a good way of running projects.
当时,我被要求离开当时的岗位去接手这个OM子项目,以保证这个项目不会影响整个大项目。整个项目通过使用Anatomy进行计划,并使用有机集成(Organic Integration)作为计划的准则。开始,我发现这个团队还没有明白怎么做计划,他们甚至不相信有机集成是可能达成的并且是一个好点子。就像我见过的很多人一样,他们只相信他们已经见过的工作方式——瀑布开发。不过这是可以理解的,在最开始使用Anatomy和有机集成的日子里,不是每个人都明白如何使用或了解其好处。
The development team had approximately fifteen developers and one team leader. There were no testers and no quality people. The team leader was thrown out (replaced by me) when I came in. A few of them were experienced developers but several were beginners.
开发团队大概有15个开发人员和1个team leader。没有测试人员,也没有质量人员。我进入团队后team leader被置换出去了,团队成员中一部分是有经验的,一部分是新人。
I started working with the experienced ones to explain the organic integration. Initially they resisted strongly but after several days of discussions and actual planning they started to accept that my ideas were at least possible. Thinking about the actual coding work they started seeing that dividing the coding work based on the anatomy would mean a very nice structuring of the work. When they said this I knew I had convinced them. Together we made a very clear and detailed plan based on the organic integration plan which was the integration plan for the whole base station project as well as for the whole system project.
The plan had five deliveries to base station integration. The small team had very little time for doing coding, reviewing and basic test. Normally we would make a plan involving every piece of code being reviewed by one or two other developers more than once before testing. Also each piece of code would be tested by the developer and the test plan would be reviewed by another developer. As already said in this team we had no testers. The testing would be done by the developers.
We decided to break all the rules. First the code written by the experienced developers would not be reviewed at all.  The experienced developers would focus on helping the beginners do a good job. The experienced developers would not test their own code at all. The beginners would be doing some testing but the main effort to secure quality was to have the experienced developers review the code written by the beginners. In the cases (many) where the code was found to be of low quality the experienced developers would simply rewrite it partly or all of it. This was a crisis project, not a people evaluation project.
During the months I was responsible for this sub project I was at work every day, not all day during week-ends , but I was there every day. That is how I know that the best of the developers were also there every day. They worked most evenings and they worked all week-ends. It was a very hard working team. I visited the development offices and after the first delivery to base station integration I went to visit the test lab every single day. I knew exactly how well the system worked every day, not from reading statistics but from taking part in testing and talking to testers. So my developers always knew that I knew.
We did not waste any time on reporting. We had short meetings while doing the job but no written reports. The only reporting done was things written on our walls, things that everyone in the team could see.
Every time we delivered new functionality to base station integration quite a large number of faults were found but they were always very quickly corrected and very correctly corrected. We established very fast feed-back loops and made sure we delivered corrections instantly, normally within hours. My developers spent time in the base station lab every day to help with trouble shooting to be able to deliver solutions to problems very quickly. At the same time they were supposed to design new functionality which was very hard but necessary.
The project had a daily Systemakut going through every single fault found making sure they every would be correctly corrected quickly in the whole base station project. Every time the proper System Engineer would check that the system design was not wrong and when it was he would quickly offer an improved system design.
My sub project however had a much faster correction loop. Whenever a fault was suspected in the lab someone from my team would be called to come and investigate and normally a solution would be delivered within an hour or two. We also checked with the system engineer as fast as we could working very well together with the testers and the system engineers.
When all the software had been delivered from all the teams my team had not once caused any delay, nor had they caused any problems by delivering bad quality. In fact faults were always corrected so well and so quickly that noone got the impression that we delivered low quality although our initial quality probably was rather low. Every time we delivered I reported that we delivered what we were supposed to deliver. The project was very happy.
In the whole project we never checked how many faults had been made by each developer, each team or each subsystem. We never checked how many faults each tester reported or anything like that. All we checked was if we achieved progress in terms of the planned test cases being approved on time.
The whole system was later delivered to the customer as planned and launched successfully as planned. The customer paid the full amount in accordance with the contract because he was happy. The country we delivered to was Japan.
I was happy to be working together with a very hard working team where I am sure everyone learned very much from this project.
Improving CI 改进持续集成
Testing new builds well is not primarily about having many test cases. More important is to have good test cases. How do you evaluate the test cases you have today? One way is to review the test cases that never find any faults. Try to understand why. Maybe they are checking the same things other test cases check. Maybe they are not really checking anything. Maybe they run a scenario but do not check correctness well.  Speed is a good thing with CI tests. Do not waste time running useless test cases. Also always complement auto tests with manual tests chosen based on what changes have been made to the build. This means that developers must always communicate what they put into every new build. I see this often not happening in our company. This must be done! Developers must declare all changes put into every new build so that testers have a chance to select test cases that can check all the changes.
Review the test cases that never find faults!
Always complement auto tests with manual tests!
Developers always tell testers what has been added and changed in each build!
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