分类: Oracle
2013-03-31 17:43:49
例行巡检 做了awr报告,发现在top 5 timed events 中有这样一个等待事件
cursor: pin S wait on X。 同时在 top sql 中发现一条异常的sql语句。一条简单的
insert 语句 竟然会耗费很长的时间
1.通过 v$session_wait_history 查找事件cursor: pin S wait on X 的会话
cursor: pin S wait on X
A session waits for this event when it is requesting a shared mutex pin
and another session is holding an exclusive mutex pin on the same cursor object
大致意思应该是 在同一个游标对象上 ,一个会话在请求一个共享的mutex pin ,已经有一个会话以排他形式
持有mutex pin 。至于什么是mutex 以后再做讲解。以下是联机文档对其解释
A mutual exclusion object (mutex) is a low-level mechanism that prevents an object in memory from aging out or from being corrupted
when accessed by concurrent processes. A mutex is similar to a latch, but whereas a latch typically protects a group of objects, a mutex protects a single object
P1 | Hash value of cursor |
P2 | Mutex value (top 2 bytes contains SID holding mutex in exclusive mode, and bottom two bytes usually hold the value 0) |
P3 | Mutex where (an internal code locator) OR'd with Mutex Sleeps |
SELECT decode(trunc(p2/4294967296),
trunc(p2/4294967296)) SID_HOLDING_MUTEX
FROM dual;