Audio Clocking
This text describes the audio clocking terms in ASoC and digital audio in
general. Note: Audio clocking can be complex!
本文本总体描述ASoC和数字音频中的音频时钟条款。Note:Audio Clock 是一个很复杂的东东
Master Clock
Every audio subsystem is driven by a master clock (sometimes referred to as MCLK or SYSCLK). This audio master clock can be derived from a number of sources (e.g. crystal, PLL, CPU clock) and is responsible for producing the correct
audio playback and capture sample rates.
Some master clocks (e.g. PLLs and CPU based clocks) are configurable in that
their speed can be altered by software (depending on the system use and to save
power). Other master clocks are fixed at a set frequency (i.e. crystals).
- 主时钟驱动
- 主时钟可配置
- 可通过软件控制以达到省电的目的
----------- DAI 通过位时钟BCLK驱动
- DAI 也通过帧时钟驱动
- 帧时钟 LRC 或者 frame。
- 帧时钟和采样率是一样的
The Digital Audio Interface is usually driven by a Bit Clock (often referred
as BCLK). This clock is used to drive the digital audio data across the link
between the codec and CPU.
The DAI also has a frame clock to signal the start of each audio frame. This
clock is sometimes referred to as LRC (left right clock) or FRAME. This clock
runs at exactly the sample rate (LRC = Rate).
数字音频接口还有一个帧时钟,用来指示一帧音频的开始。该时钟有时记为LRC(left right clock)或FRAME。该时钟严格工作于采样率上。
Bit Clock can be generated as follows:-
BCLK = LRC * x
BCLK = LRC * Channels * Word Size
This relationship depends on the codec or SoC CPU in particular. In general
it is best to configure BCLK to the lowest possible speed (depending on your
rate, number of channels and word size) to save on power.
It is also desirable to use the codec (if possible) to drive (or master) the
audio clocks as it usually gives more accurate sample rates than the CPU.
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