分类: Oracle
2016-02-18 18:14:39
OGG has added support for replication of cyclic sequences in the builds.
Backport: Any code prior to v11.1.1.x must contain patch 9428942 to reliably replicate cyclic sequences.
Documentation for versions 10.0, 10.4 and 11.1 states that extract supports sequences. In fact, sequences were not intended to be supported and did not work seamlessly.
This note describes the proper implementation of replication of cyclic sequences.
This covers the replication of cyclic sequences in the and subsequent builds.
Backport: Any code prior to v11.1.1.x must contain patch 9428942 to reliably replicate cyclic sequences.
Failure to use the right code version or to follow the implementation and installation procedures might result in a replicat abend with messages similar to this:
2011-04-20 17:35:53 ERROR OGG-01444 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rora01.prm: Error in replicating sequence value [ORA-06550: line 1, column 8: PLS-00201: identifier 'GGS.REPLICATESEQUENCE' must be declared ORA-06550: line 1, column 8: PL/SQL: Statement ignored, SQL BEGIN "GGS" .replicateSequence (TO_NUMBER(1386506), TO_NUMBER(0), TO_NUMBER(1), 'XSUP', TO_NUMBER(0), 'SEQ_SR_ACCESSNO', 'GGS', TO_NUMBER(2), TO_NUMBER (0), ''); END;].
2011-04-20 17:35:53 ERROR OGG-01668 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rora01.prm: PROCESS ABENDING.
Implementing cyclic sequences:
Note that steps 1-3 are required on BOTH source and target.
1. If an OGG User for DDL replication has been created, proceed to Step 2. Otherwise, create OGG user (say OGGADMIN). This should be the same Oracle user used for DDL replication. Connect as SYSDBA to the Oracle database
2. Install the SQL procedures needed to support sequence replication
When prompted for the user name, enter the appropriate OGG user (OGGADMIN in this case)
3. Grant appropriate privileges to GGSCI user
At the Target Database:
1. Grant appropriate privileges to Oracle Golden Gate Replicat User
Before starting to replicate sequences, the following steps must be performed at the source database. . In the following steps, assume the extract name is EXT01
1. Connect to the source database
2. Stop Extract, if it is running
3. Start Extract with appropriate parameter file that identifies thesequences to be replicated
4. Flush the sequences to be replicated using FLUSH SEQUENCE command in GGSCI
Example#1: To replicate all sequences contained in schemas HR and FINANCE
Example#2 To replicate sequences for schemas HR.SEQ1 and HR.SEQ2