> File Name: maxMutiSubStr.cpp
> Author: dongdaoxiang
> Func: find the Max Mutiple SubString
> Mail: dongdaoxiang@ncic.ac.cn
> Created Time: 2013年04月28日 星期日 13时58分11秒
using namespace std;
int compareTwoStr(char *a, char *b) //return the length of the same subtring between two strings
int len = 0; //the first char of the two strings is same
while(*a && *b)
if(*a == *b)
return len;
void find(string dest)
int maxlen = 0;
int temp;
string::size_type pos, it, jt;
for(it = 0; it != dest.size(); it++)
for(jt = it + 1; jt != dest.size(); jt++)
if(dest[it] == dest[jt]) //find the first same char's pos
temp = compareTwoStr(&dest[it], &dest[jt]);//call the compareTwoStr and return the len
if(temp > maxlen)
maxlen = temp;
pos = it;
cout << "The length of the max mutiple substring is: " << maxlen << endl;
cout << "The substring is: ";
cout << "pos: " << pos << endl;
for(it = 0; it != maxlen; it++)
cout << dest[it + pos];
cout << endl;
int main()
string dest("what is your name is dong dao xiang your name is dong dao xiang");
return 0;
> File Name: maxMutiSubStr.cpp
> Author: dongdaoxiang
> Func: find the Max Mutiple SubString
> Mail: dongdaoxiang@ncic.ac.cn
> Created Time: 2013年04月28日 星期日 13时58分11秒
using namespace std;
int compareTwoStr(char *a, char *b) //return the length of the same subtring between two strings
int len = 0; //the first char of the two strings is same
while(*a && *b)
if(*a == *b)
return len;
int pstrcmp(const void *p, const void *q)
const char **_p = (const char**)p;
const char **_q = (const char**)q;
return strcmp((*_p), (*_q));
void quickFind(string dest)
int maxlen = 0;
int temp = 0;
int flag;
char* suffixArr[dest.size()]; //create a suffix array
string::size_type it, pos;
for(it = 0; it != dest.size(); it++)
suffixArr[it] = &dest[it];
qsort(suffixArr, dest.size(), sizeof(char*), pstrcmp); //sort the array by the order of the word
cout << "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" << endl;
for(it = 0; it != dest.size(); it++)
cout << suffixArr[it] << endl;
cout << "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" << endl;
for(it = 0; it < dest.size(); it++)
temp = compareTwoStr(suffixArr[it], suffixArr[it + 1]); //cmp the nearby strings
if(temp > maxlen)
maxlen = temp;
pos = it;
cout << "The length of the max mutiple substring is: " << maxlen << endl;
cout << "The substring is: ";
cout << suffixArr[pos];
cout << endl;
int main()
string dest("what is your name is dong dao xiang your name is dong dao xiang");
string dest2("abcefabcdhabcefabcdh");
return 0;
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