1. 我已经决定了
I've decided.
2. 一切都看你的了
It's up to you.
3. 由你决定。
You decide.
4. 这里是重点。
This is the important point.
5. 这是我个人的问题。
This is my personal problem.
6. 这是生死攸关的问题。
This is a matter of life and death.
7. 要走要留都是你的自由。
You're free to go or stay.
8. 已经无法挽回了。
There is no turning back.
9. 顺其自然,到时再看吧。
Let's play it by ear.
10. 我很肯定我做得到。
I'm sure I can do it.
11. 我还无法决定要怎么做。
I'm still unable to decide what to do.
12. 我会跟在她后面。
I'll follow her.
Let's all get together and act as one.
14. 无论如何我必须做这件事。
I have to do it anyhow.
15. 要做就现在做。
It's now or never.
16. 趁早越好。
The sooner, the better.
17. 管他三七二十一,做做看再说。
I'll take a chance.
18. 拿出勇气。
Have more guts.
19. 想个办法把它做完吧。
Let's finish it somehow.
20. 值得一试。
It's worth a try.
21. 我们必须同心协力。
We must function as one mind and one body.
22. 你且拭目以待。
You just wait.
23. 已经不管他三七二十一了。
It's all or nothing.
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