Since the C language has no native string type, the compiler defines a string buffer as an array of 1 or 2 byte elements with a total size of at least 5 bytes. The GS protection is applied to all functions with arrays that match this description.
Visual Studio 2005 SP1 introduced a new compiler directive that enables more aggressive GS heuristics. If #pragma strict_gs_check is turned on, the compiler adds a GS cookie to all functions that use arrays, dereference data through pointer arithmetic or pass the address of any local variable to another function. This results in a much more complete protection at the expense of runtime performance.
By default, in processes with DEP enabled there are only two types of exception handlers that are considered valid by the exception dispatcher: 1. handler found in the SafeSEH table of an image without the NO_SEH flag 2. handler on an executable page in an image without the NO_SEH flag, without a SafeSEH table and without the .NET ILonly flag In processes with DEP disabled there are have three valid cases: 1. handler found in the SafeSEH table of an image without the NO_SEH flag 2. handler in an image without the NO_SEH flag, without a SafeSEH table and without the .NET ILonly flag 3. handler on a non-image page, but not on the stack of the current thread
而关于ASLR,原来还有这么个注册表项来控制开关: This behaviour is controlled using the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\MoveImages, which by default does not exist. The following behaviour is defined for this key: 1 If the value is set to 0, never randomize image bases in memory, always honour the base address 2 If set to -1, randomize any image regardless of whether they have elected to take part in ASLR or not (providing they are relocatable). 3 If set to any other value, randomize only images that have elected to take part in randomization. This is the default behaviour.