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分类: 网络与安全

2012-06-25 14:15:17

Alexander Sotirov 和 Mark Dowd 这次在BlackHat的paper果然内容很丰富,链接就不加了, google一下应该就有。



Since the C language has no native string type, the compiler defines a string buffer as an array 
of 1 or 2 byte elements with a total size of at least 5 bytes
. The GS protection is applied to all 
functions with arrays that match this description.


Visual Studio 2005 SP1 introduced a new compiler directive that enables more aggressive GS 
heuristics. If #pragma strict_gs_check is turned on, the compiler adds a GS cookie to all 
functions that use arrays, dereference data through pointer arithmetic or pass the address of any 
local variable to another function. This results in a much more complete protection at the 
expense of runtime performance.


By default, in processes with DEP enabled there are only two types of exception handlers that 
are considered valid by the exception dispatcher: 
1. handler found in the SafeSEH table of an image without the NO_SEH flag 
2. handler on an executable page in an image without the NO_SEH flag, without a SafeSEH 
table and without the .NET ILonly flag 
In processes with DEP disabled there are have three valid cases: 
1. handler found in the SafeSEH table of an image without the NO_SEH flag 
2. handler in an image without the NO_SEH flag, without a SafeSEH table and without the 
.NET ILonly flag 
3. handler on a non-image page, but not on the stack of the current thread



[Tips]Bypass Hardware DEP Tips

This behaviour is controlled using the registry key 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory 
, which by default does not exist. The following behaviour is defined 
for this key: 
If the value is set to 0, never randomize image bases in memory, always honour the base 
If set to -1, randomize any image regardless of whether they have elected to take part in 
ASLR or not (providing they are relocatable). 
If set to any other value, randomize only images that have elected to take part in 
randomization. This is the default behaviour. 

那这个开关就和Redhat下的 /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space 这个参数差不多了,可以控制ASLR


比如绕过GS的时候,选择部分覆盖(Partial Overwrites),以前我在写一个mail方面的exp的时候就曾经用过这种技巧,结果就是写出来的exp非常之通用,与平台和语言都无关了。

infoleaks 这种漏洞在绕过ASLR的时候是最爽快的。以前写imail exp的时候,就曾经用到过这种技巧,把当前栈的基址读了出来,然后再去写精确定位的exp。 另外一个例子就是在the Month of PHP Bugs 的时候出过一个读PHP内存里内容的bug,结果后来[Paper]Advanced Heap Spray Technique -- Heap Spray in Java
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