分类: 网络与安全
2012-06-25 13:51:56
目前exploit出来了三个,最早是ruby的,HD MOORE的metasploit 3 的一个模块,接下来是python的,最后才是今天出来的一个C的实现。
src port,还需要猜解QID,是一个类似竞争条件的问题,要抢在real name server作出应答前搞定,所以几率算下来不大。
Assume the following symbols are used:
I: Number distinct IDs available (maximum 65536)
P: Number of ports used (maximum around 64000, but often 1)
N: Number of authoritative nameservers for a domain (averages
around 2.5)
F: Number of 'fake' packets sent by the attacker
R: Number of packets sent per second by the attacker
W: Window of opportunity, in seconds. Bounded by the response
time of the authoritative servers (often 0.1s)
D: Average number of identical outstanding questions of a resolver
(typically 1, see Section 5)
A: Number of attempts, one for each window of opportunity
The probability of spoofing a resolver is equal to amount of fake packets that
arrive within the window of opportunity, divided by the size of the problem
When the resolver has 'D' multiple identical outstanding questions, each fake
packet has a proportionally higher chance of matching any of these questions.
This assumption only holds for small values of 'D'.
In symbols, if the probability of being spoofed is denoted as P_s:
P_s = D*F/N*P*I
It is more useful to reason not in terms of aggregate packets but to convert to
packet rate, which can easily be converted to bandwidth if needed.
If the Window of opportunity length is 'W' and the attacker can send 'R'
packets per second, the number of fake packets 'F' that are candidates to be
accepted is:
F= R * W ---> P_s = D*R*W/N*P*I
To calculate the combined chance of at least one success, the following formula
P_cs = 1 - (1 - P_s)^A = 1 - (1 - D*R*W/N*P*I)^A
When common numbers (as listed above) for D, W, N, P and I are inserted, this
formula reduces to:
P_cs = 1 - (1 -R/1638400)^A
The different between this attack and the one described in the original study ()
is in the number A.
In the original study, A = T/TTL, where T is the time taken to successful
poison target resolvers, and TTL is the number of seconds when the target
hostname expires. In other words, each time we fail to poison, we must have to
wait for TTL second before trying again.
In this case, A = N, which is the number of queries we send to target
resolvers. This is because we don't have to wait any second even if we fail to
poison in all previous attempts. Remember the CNAME trick above?
So all you must do now is to increase R and A. Suppose for each query, you send
F = 30 fake responses to target resolvers in W = 0.1, hence your bandwidth
should be R = F/W = 300 packet/s. If A = 4000, then you stand a 51% chance
to be sucessful! It's that easy.
If you use Metasploit, you can use the following formula to calculate your
P_cs = 1 - (1 - xids/2^16)^A
where xids is the number of fake responses you want to send for each query.
Remember to consider your bandwidth capacity when choosing xids. If you
choose the default value, i.e. xids=10, then you can expect to poison
successful after A>4000.
One final note: this attack is not a birthday attack. because we only have one
opening query to guess its QID.
So I rewrote the attack in C and was about to publish it when I noticed that
Druid and HDM just released their metasploit module. I have not had the time to
compare the 2 but in case anybody is interested, here it is:
$ ./kaminsky-attack q.q.q.q r.r.r.r a.a.a.a 1234 pwned example.com. 8192 16
This should cause a pwned.example.com A record resolving to to appear
in r.r.r.r's cache. The chance of successfully poisoning the resolver with
this example (8192 attempts and 16 replies/attempt) is 86% (1-(1-16/65536)**8192).
This example also requires a bandwidth of about 2.6 Mbit/s (16 replies/attempt
* ~200 bytes/reply * 100 attempts/sec * 8 bits/byte) and takes about 80 secs
to complete (8192 attempts / 100 attempts/sec).
Things could clearly be optimized, eg. by using label compression in the DNS
packets (oh and don't comment on the quality of the code - it was rushed :P),
but I am very interested to see how Kaminsky got it down to "10 secs
on a fast Internet link" (does he mean 10+ Mbit/s, or is he using
other more advanced tricks ?)