- #!/bin/bash
- #2013-01-06 14:00:00 wanggy exp
- #note:ping monitor
- set -u
- #set -x
- ping_fun()
- {
- d_network=192.168.1
- echo -n "input the network(default $d_network):"
- read network
- : ${network:=$d_network}
- echo "network:$network"
- d_hostip_beg=1
- d_hostip_end=254
- echo -n "input the hostip(default $d_hostip_beg $d_hostip_end):"
- read hostip_beg hostip_end
- : ${hostip_beg:=$d_hostip_beg}
- : ${hostip_end:=$d_hostip_end}
- echo "hostip_beg:$hostip_beg"
- echo "hostip_end:$hostip_end"
- count=3
- for ((hostip=$hostip_beg;hostip<=$hostip_end;hostip++));do
- host=$network.$hostip
- echo "开始ping检测$host"
- ping -c $count $host &>/dev/null
- if [ $? = 0 ];then
- echo "$host is up"
- else
- sleep 3
- ping -c $count $host &>/dev/null
- if [ $? = 0 ];then
- echo "$host is up"
- else
- echo "$host is down"
- fi
- fi
- done
- #echo "执行完毕"
- exit 0
- }
- main()
- {
- echo "----开始执行ping程序----"
- ping_fun
- }
- main
- exit 0
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