virtualbox NAT方式下主机ssh客户机
故用NAT方式,但是vb提供的初始NAT方式无法实现主机连到客户机,因为被一个叫vb engine的东西给隐藏起来了,
You will need to know which ports on the guest the service uses and to decide which ports to use on the host (often but not always you will want to use the same ports on the guest and on the host). You can use any ports on the host which are not already in use by a service. For example, to set up incoming NAT connections to an ssh server in the guest, use the following command:
VBoxManage modifyvm "VM name" --natpf1 "guestssh,tcp,,2222,,22"
With the above example, all TCP traffic arriving on port 2222 on any host interface will be forwarded to port 22 in the guest. The protocol name tcp is a mandatory attribute defining which protocol should be used for forwarding (udp could also be used). The name guestssh is purely descriptive and will be auto-generated if omitted. The number after --natpf denotes the network card, like in other parts of VBoxManage.
To remove this forwarding rule again, use the following command:
VBoxManage modifyvm "VM name" --natpf1 delete "guestssh"
If for some reason the guest uses a static assigned IP address not leased from the built-in DHCP server, it is required to specify the guest IP when registering the forwarding rule:
VBoxManage modifyvm "VM name" --natpf1 "guestssh,tcp,,2222,,22"
This example is identical to the previous one, except that the NAT engine is being told that the guest can be found at the address.
VBoxManage modifyvm "VM name" --natpf1 delete "guestssh"
然后主机运行putty, ip填入localhost, 端口为2222,这里要大于1024.
一块是NAT,一块为Host only
Done! Cool!
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