Mythbuntu采用Xfce作为缺省桌面,它提供一份图形化的控制中心来配置系统。 |
The first alpha release of
Mythbuntu 8.10, a project developing an easy-to-use MythTV system based on Ubuntu, is out: "
we are introducing the first Mythbuntu 'Intrepid Ibex' alpha release:
Mythbuntu 8.10 alpha 4. It is very important to note that this release
is not compatible with Mythbuntu 7.10 or any other MythTV 0.20.2-based
distribution. Changes from Mythbuntu 8.04: default guided partitioning
- the guided partitioning tool in the installer will now default to XFS
instead of ext3; Mythbuntu Apple trailers - the Apple trailer plugin
has been forked and is now being kept by our very own 'foxbuntu', it is
installable from MCC or Synaptic and accessible from the front-end;
stability - lots of bug fixes across the board in Ubiquity and
Mythbuntu control centre, several MythTV bugs that were sent upstream
got fixed." Here is the full . Download the live CD images from here:
mythbuntu-8.10-alpha4-desktop-i386.iso (601MB,
mythbuntu-8.10-alpha4-desktop-amd64.iso (639MB,
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