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2012-11-08 20:55:37


Thunar 最新的版本是1.5.1(见 )而目前(2012-11-08) archlinux 在 extra 中的 thunar 版本是 1.4.0-4(用 pacman -S thunar 安装). 我用的时候有一些小问题. 不知道怎么解决. 希望大家知道的话回复一下, 谢了! 作为试验, 我将试一下自己编译安装是否可行. 主要的步骤是怎样的? 是否需要先卸载 thunar? 【答: 自行编译安装要考虑的问题比较多, 使用yaourt thunar 会自动处理这些问题.】

  1. 不能创建文档, 每次在thunar 的文件管理器中点击右键, 鼠标移动到创建文档上时, CPU似乎在疯狂运转, 此时只能响应鼠标的移动, 其他根本没有反应. 过了十几秒钟后又好了. 不过就是不能创建新文件.

【答: 更新到 1.5.1 后, 鼠标移动到创建文档时, 虽然还是会出现上面图中所示情景, 但当鼠标移到右边时, 便会出现模板中的文件或目录, 而且反应速度很快. 算是解决了问题.】

2. Thunar 有很多插件的.
(参见 )

  1. thunar-actions-plugin
  2. thunar-archive-plugin
  3. thunar-media-tags-plugin
  4. thunar-shares-plugin
  5. thunar-svn-plugin
  6. thunar-thumbnailers
  7. thunar-vcs-plugin
  8. thunar-volman
  9. thunar-wallpaper-plugin
但是有很多插件 pacman 找不到, 即使将 /etc/pacman.conf 中的软件仓库 community-test 也加上, 也只有下面几个:
  1. [haifeng@arch bin]$ sudo pacman -Ss thunar
  2. extra/thunar 1.4.0-4 (xfce4) [已安装: 1.4.0-2]
  3. Modern file manager for Xfce
  4. extra/thunar-archive-plugin 0.3.0-2 (xfce4-goodies) [已安装]
  5. Create and deflate archives in thunar
  6. extra/thunar-media-tags-plugin 0.2.0-2 (xfce4-goodies) [已安装]
  7. Adds special features for media files to the Thunar File Manager
  8. extra/thunar-volman 0.8.0-1 (xfce4) [已安装]
  9. Automatic management of removeable devices in Thunar
【答, 这些插件可以在 AUX 中找到, 请使用 yaourt 安装.】

现在我们来尝试一下吧, 大不了重新安装 xfce4 .


/*要编译 thunar, 必须安装 xfce 的开发工具, 即 xfce4-dev-tools 这个软件包. */
sudo pacman -S xfce4-dev-tools

/* thunar 1.5.1 依赖 exo-0.9.0 */
yaourt exo

/* 使用 yaourt 安装 thunar-1.5.1 */
yaourt thunar

以下是详细过程, 备记.

要编译 thunar, 必须安装 xfce 的开发工具, 即 xfce4-dev-tools 这个软件包.

  1. [haifeng@arch thunar-1.5.1]$ sudo pacman -S xfce4-dev-tools
  2. 正在解决依赖关系...
  3. 正在查找内部冲突...

  4. 目标 (5): gnome-doc-utils-0.20.10-1 gtk-doc-1.18-1 intltool-0.50.2-1
  5. rarian-0.8.1-2 xfce4-dev-tools-4.10.0-1

  6. 全部下载大小:0.64 MiB
  7. 全部安装大小:6.50 MiB

  8. 进行安装吗? [Y/n] y
  9. :: 正在从 extra 软件库获取软件包...
  10. rarian-0.8.1-2-x86_64 94.3 KiB 316K/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
  11. gnome-doc-utils-0.2... 302.0 KiB 267K/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
  12. gtk-doc-1.18-1-any 204.8 KiB 365K/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
  13. intltool-0.50.2-1-any 38.2 KiB 259K/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
  14. xfce4-dev-tools-4.1... 15.7 KiB 47.1K/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
  15. (5/5) 正在检查软件包完整性 [######################] 100%
  16. (5/5) 正在加载软件包文件 [######################] 100%
  17. (5/5) 正在检查文件冲突 [######################] 100%
  18. (5/5) 正在检查可用硬盘空间 [######################] 100%
  19. (1/5) 正在安装 rarian [######################] 100%
  20. (2/5) 正在安装 gnome-doc-utils [######################] 100%
  21. (3/5) 正在安装 gtk-doc [######################] 100%
  22. gtk-doc 的可选依赖
  23. jade: SGML support
  24. (4/5) 正在安装 intltool [######################] 100%
  25. (5/5) 正在安装 xfce4-dev-tools [######################] 100%
如果自行编译 thunar-1.5.1, 则运行, 会发现其依赖 exo-0.9.0

  1. [haifeng@arch thunar-1.5.1]$ ./
  2. ......

  3. checking for exo-1 >= 0.9.0... found, but 0.8.0
  4. *** The required package exo-1 was found on your system,
  5. *** but the installed version (0.8.0) is too old.
  6. *** Please upgrade exo-1 to atleast version 0.9.0, or adjust
  7. *** the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you installed
  8. *** the new version of the package in a nonstandard prefix so
  9. *** pkg-config is able to find it.

因此得先安装 exo-0.9.0


  1. [haifeng@arch thunar-1.5.1]$ yaourt exo
  2. 1 extra/exo 0.8.0-1 (xfce4) [installed]
  3. Extensions to Xfce by os-cillation
  4. 2 community/libexosip2 3.6.0-1
  5. A library that hides the complexity of using SIP for multimedia session
  6. establishement
  7. 3 aur/exo-alt 0.3.101-2 (Out of Date) (38)
  8. Extensions to Xfce by os-cillation with ALT Linux patchset.
  9. 4 aur/exo-dev 0.9.0-1 (1)
  10. Extensions to Xfce by os-cillation (Dev Ver)
  11. 5 aur/exo-devel 0.9.0-1 (40)
  12. Extensions to Xfce by os-cillation (Development Version)
  13. 6 aur/exo-eject 0.3.101-3 (Out of Date) (8)
  14. Extensions to Xfce by os-cillation with hal ejection patch
  15. 7 aur/exo-git 20121106-1 (27)
  16. Extensions to Xfce by os-cillation.
  17. 8 aur/exo-mountopt 0.3.101-2 (Out of Date) (27)
  18. Extensions to Xfce by os-cillation (+ mount options patch)
  19. 9 aur/exodus-bin (1)
  20. This is an alternative viewer for SecondLife. SecondLife is a 3-D virtual
  21. world entirely built and owned by its residents.
  22. 10 aur/exodusii 5.21-1 (2)
  23. EXODUS II is a model format developed to store and retrieve transient data
  24. for finite element analyses.
  25. 11 aur/exomizer 2.0.4-1 (0)
  26. 8bit platforms software compressor
  27. 12 aur/exonerate 2.2.0-1 (0)
  28. A general purpose tool for biological sequence comparison
  29. 13 aur/gnome-exotic-theme 1.6.1-1 (5)
  30. Exotic theme for GNOME
  31. 14 aur/gnome-theme-exotic 1.6.1-2 (84)
  32. Exotic theme for Gnome.
  33. 15 aur/lufis 0.3-1 (15)
  34. Hybrid userspace filesystem framework supporting many exotic filesystems
  35. 16 aur/slim-theme-exotic 1.1.1-1 (18)
  36. Slim theme for gnome-theme-exotic.
  37. 17 aur/twofing 20120121-1 (1)
  38. twofing is a daemon which runs in the background and recognizes two-finger
  39. gestures performed on a touchscreen and converts them into mouse and
  40. keyboard events. This is the edition with patched udev rules for the
  41. WeTab/ExoPC.
  42. 18 aur/twofing-wetab 20120121-1 (1)
  43. twofing is a daemon which runs in the background and recognizes two-finger
  44. gestures performed on a touchscreen and converts them into mouse and
  45. keyboard events. This is the edition with patched udev rules for the
  46. WeTab/ExoPC.
  47. ==> Enter n° of packages to be installed (ex: 1 2 3 or 1-3)
  48. ==> -------------------------------------------------------
  49. ==> 5
  50. ...
  51. ...

  52. ==> 完成创建:exo-devel 0.9.0-1 (2012年 11月 09日 星期五 20:31:40 CST)
  53. ==> Continue installing exo-devel ? [Y/n]
  54. ==> [v]iew package contents [c]heck package with namcap
  55. ==> ---------------------------------------------------
  56. ==> y
  57. 正在加载软件包...
  58. 正在解决依赖关系...
  59. 正在查找内部冲突...
  60. :: exo-devel 与 exo 有冲突。删除 exo 吗? [y/N] y

  61. 目标 (2): exo-0.8.0-1 [removal] exo-devel-0.9.0-1

  62. 全部安装大小:3.20 MiB
  63. 净更新大小:0.05 MiB

  64. 进行安装吗? [Y/n] y
  65. (1/1) 正在检查软件包完整性 [######################] 100%
  66. (1/1) 正在加载软件包文件 [######################] 100%
  67. (1/1) 正在检查文件冲突 [######################] 100%
  68. (2/2) 正在检查可用硬盘空间 [######################] 100%
  69. (1/1) 正在删除 exo [######################] 100%
  70. (1/1) 正在安装 exo-devel [######################] 100%
  71. exo-devel 的可选依赖
  72. perl-uri: for mail-compose helper script
  73. glibc-2.16.0-5-x86_64.pkg.tar.tar: description file is missing
  74. glibc-2.16.0-5-x86_64.pkg.tar.tar: file list is missing


  1. [haifeng@arch local]$ yaourt thunar
  2. 1 extra/thunar 1.4.0-4 (xfce4) [installed: 1.4.0-2]
  3. Modern file manager for Xfce
  4. 2 extra/thunar-archive-plugin 0.3.0-2 (xfce4-goodies) [installed]
  5. Create and deflate archives in thunar
  6. 3 extra/thunar-media-tags-plugin 0.2.0-2 (xfce4-goodies) [installed]
  7. Adds special features for media files to the Thunar File Manager
  8. 4 extra/thunar-volman 0.8.0-1 (xfce4) [installed]
  9. Automatic management of removeable devices in Thunar
  10. 5 aur/droppuburl latest-2 (2)
  11. simple 'open-with' script to copy a dropbox public url to the
  12. clipboard\nWorks well with pcmanfm/thunar/etc
  13. 6 aur/ewallset-svn 3-1 (2)
  14. a e17 program to work with thunar to help user set wallpaper without use
  15. of e17 default wallpaper module
  16. 7 aur/gtkhash-thunar-enabled 0.6.0-1 (0)
  17. A GTK+ utility for computing message digests or checksums.(with
  18. filemanager plugins)
  19. 8 aur/imdb-thumbnailer 0.8.4-1 (72)
  20. A nautilus / thunar video thumbnailer that sets film covers as thumbnails
  21. 9 aur/ora-thumbnailer-xfce 0.1.0-1 (5)
  22. OpenRaster thumbnailer for XFCE (Thunar)
  23. 10 aur/rabbitvcs-thunar (24)
  24. Thunar front-end for RabbitVCS
  25. 11 aur/thunar-archive-plugin-git 20100913-1 (1)
  26. create and deflate archives in thunar
  27. 12 aur/thunar-audio-thumbnailer 0.1-1 (Out of Date) (38)
  28. Audiothumbnailer support for Thunar.
  29. 13 aur/thunar-devel 1.5.1-1 (31)
  30. Modern file manager for Xfce (Development Version)
  31. 14 aur/thunar-djvu-thumbnailer 0.1-3 (26)
  32. Adds support of DjVu thumbnail to Thunar file manager
  33. 15 aur/thunar-dropbox 0.2.0-1 (326)
  34. Plugin for thunar that adds context-menu items for dropbox.
  35. 16 aur/thunar-extended 1.4.0-1 (51)
  36. Thunar with cursor audio preview and extra options for trash, desktop
  37. files and user actions
  38. 17 aur/thunar-git 20110109-1 (Out of Date) (24)
  39. New modern file manager for Xfce - migration to GIO.
  40. 18 aur/thunar-notrash 1.3.0-1 (9)
  41. modern file manager for Xfce with patch to disable trash
  42. 19 aur/thunar-shares-plugin 0.2.0-7 (177)
  43. A Thunar file manager extension to share files using Samba. Based on
  44. nautilus-shares
  45. 20 aur/thunar-shares-plugin-git 20100411-1 (0)
  46. A Thunar file manager extension to share files using Samba. Based on
  47. nautilus-shares
  48. 21 aur/thunar-smallicons 1.5.0-1 (1)
  49. Thunar file manager for Gnome3 patched with small toolbar icons
  50. 22 aur/thunar-thumbnailers-openraster 0.4.1-1 (7)
  51. Provides additional thumbnailers for Thunar. Patched to support OpenRaster
  52. 23 aur/thunar-vcs-plugin 0.1.4-2 (59)
  53. SVN and GIT integration for Thunar.
  54. 24 aur/thunar-vcs-plugin-git 20100411-1 (0)
  55. SVN and GIT integration for Thunar.
  56. 25 aur/thunar-vfs 1.2.0-1 (29)
  57. Virtual filesystem shipped with the thunar 1.0 and earlier releases.
  58. 26 aur/thunar-vfs-devel 1.2.0-1 (2)
  59. Virtual filesystem shipped with the thunar 1.0 and earlier releases
  60. 27 aur/thunar-vfs-git 20111110-1 (1)
  61. "Thunar is a modern file manager for the Unix/Linux desktop, aiming to be
  62. 28 aur/thunar-volman-devel 0.7.0-7 (4)
  63. a compliant ui implementation for Xfce (Development
  64. Version)
  65. 29 aur/thunar-volman-git 20110831-1 (23)
  66. automatic management for removeable devices in thunar
  67. 30 aur/thunar1-libs 1.0.1-1 (7)
  68. new modern file manager for Xfce - lib files only
  69. 31 aur/thunarx-python 0.3.0-1 (27)
  70. Thunarx Python Bindings
  71. 32 aur/tumbler-git 20091002-1 (7)
  72. Thumbnail generator for Thunar GIO branche.
  73. 33 aur/xdiff-ext 0.2.0-2 (34)
  74. A Thunar extension for launching file comparison tools
  75. ==> Enter n° of packages to be installed (ex: 1 2 3 or 1-3)
  76. ==> -------------------------------------------------------
  77. ==> 13
  78. ...
  79. ...
  80. 目标 (2): thunar-1.4.0-2 [removal] thunar-devel-1.5.1-1

  81. 全部安装大小:5.07 MiB
  82. 净更新大小:0.04 MiB

  83. 进行安装吗? [Y/n] y
  84. (1/1) 正在检查软件包完整性 [######################] 100%
  85. (1/1) 正在加载软件包文件 [######################] 100%
  86. (1/1) 正在检查文件冲突 [######################] 100%
  87. (2/2) 正在检查可用硬盘空间 [######################] 100%
  88. (1/1) 正在删除 thunar [######################] 100%
  89. (1/1) 正在安装 thunar-devel [######################] 100%
  90. thunar-devel 的可选依赖
  91. gvfs: for trash support, mounting with udisk and remote filesystems
  92. polkit-gnome: for mounting internal partitions (needs root password)
  93. xfce4-panel-devel: for trash applet
  94. tumbler: for thumbnail previews
  95. thunar-volman: manages removable devices
  96. thunar-archive-plugin: create and deflate archives
  97. thunar-media-tags-plugin: view/edit id3/ogg tags
  98. glibc-2.16.0-5-x86_64.pkg.tar.tar: description file is missing
  99. glibc-2.16.0-5-x86_64.pkg.tar.tar: file list is missing


  1. [haifeng@arch local]$ yaourt xfce4-panel-devel
  2. 1 aur/xfce4-panel-devel 4.10.0-1 (31)
  3. Panel for the Xfce desktop environment (Development Version)
  4. ==> Enter n° of packages to be installed (ex: 1 2 3 or 1-3)
  5. ==> -------------------------------------------------------
  6. ==> 1
  7. ...
  8. ==> 完成创建:xfce4-panel-devel 4.10.0-1 (2012年 11月 09日 星期五 21:07:37 CST)

  9. ==> Continue installing xfce4-panel-devel ? [Y/n]
  10. ==> [v]iew package contents [c]heck package with namcap
  11. ==> ---------------------------------------------------
  12. ==> y

  13. [sudo] password for haifeng:
  14. 正在加载软件包...
  15. 正在解决依赖关系...
  16. 正在查找内部冲突...
  17. :: xfce4-panel-devel 与 xfce4-panel 有冲突。删除 xfce4-panel 吗? [y/N]

  18. 目标 (2): xfce4-panel-4.10.0-1 [removal] xfce4-panel-devel-4.10.0-1

  19. 全部安装大小:3.13 MiB
  20. 净更新大小:-0.01 MiB

  21. 进行安装吗? [Y/n] y
  22. (1/1) 正在检查软件包完整性 [######################] 100%
  23. (1/1) 正在加载软件包文件 [######################] 100%
  24. (1/1) 正在检查文件冲突 [######################] 100%
  25. (2/2) 正在检查可用硬盘空间 [######################] 100%
  26. (1/1) 正在删除 xfce4-panel [######################] 100%
  27. (1/1) 正在安装 xfce4-panel-devel [######################] 100%
  28. glibc-2.16.0-5-x86_64.pkg.tar.tar: description file is missing
  29. glibc-2.16.0-5-x86_64.pkg.tar.tar: file list is missing

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