1. virtualbox的安装
安装方法, dpkg -i virtualbox-5.1_5.1.18-xxxxx.deb
下载extention pack
安装方法: VBoxManage extpack install Oracle_VM_Virtualbox_Extension_Pack-5.1.18-xxx.vbox-extpack
虚拟机安装完成后如果在创建虚拟机时发现只有32bit的guset os可选择,那么需要修改BIOS,使能virtualization。
2. 如何在host机器上创建vboxnet0
virtualBox: File -> Preferences -> Network. -> Host-only Networks. Hit "+" to add Ethernet Adapter.
Windows: This will create a "VirtualBox Host-only Adapter". This will prompt with Admin dialogue box, hit "accept", this will create an interface.
Linux: This will create a "vboxnet" per interface.
3. 如何设置虚拟机网卡pxeboot的优先级
VBoxManage list vms 可以显示vms的uuid
Then set the priority for interface 2. Do this for ALL VMs.
# Command syntax: VBoxManage modifyvm --nicbootprio2 1
bwensley@yow-bwensley-lx:~$ VBoxManage modifyvm 3db3a342-780f-41d5-a012-dbe6d3591bf1 --nicbootprio2 1
#OR do them all with a foreach loop in linux
bwensley@yow-bwensley-lx:~$ for f in $(VBoxManage list vms | cut -f 1 -d " " | sed 's/"//g'); do echo $f; VBoxManage modifyvm $f --nicbootprio2 1; done
# NOTE: In windows, you need to specify the full path to the VBoxManage executable - for example:
"\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe"
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