2012-12-05 11:22:05
在CRS-1和GSR中 引入了SDR的概念 安全区域,就是把一台路由分割成多个可靠的路由,类似于LITE-VRF功能一样。在没有的时候它们都处于一个默认的SDR中,称作本地 SDR.添加一个新的SDR的时候必须给每个SDR添加名称 RP 线速卡 然后线卡上接口
CRS-1 routers and XR 12000 Series Routers can be partitied into multiple, independent routers known as secure domain routers (SDRs) Every router ships with a default SDR, which is called owner SDR because it by default owns all RPs and line cards installed in the routing system. To build additional SDRs, you must create each SDR using configuration commands, name the SDR, assign RP, DRP, and line cards to the SDR, and then configure the interfaces on the line cards on the new SDR
Communication Ports on the RP for a Cisco CRS-1 16-Slot Line Card Chassis
Communication Ports on the RP for a Cisco CRS-1 8-Slot Line Card Chassis
Communication Ports on the DRP PLIM
Communication Ports on the PRP-2 for a Cisco XR 12000 Series Router
Example of Command Mode Navigation in Cisco IOS XR software