1. 显示看不清楚的时候,调整下配色方案:
:colorscheme evening
2. 文本替换:
Search as in sed
~ Affects current line by default.
~ Use x,y ranges or % for whole file
3. 替换一行的命令行命令:
cc #挺好用
4. Undoing Changes:
~ u undo most recent change
~ Ctrl-r redo last "undone" change #与上面的配合,棒极了!
~ U undo all changes to the current line since the cursor landed on the line.
5. Visual Mode:
~ Allows selection of blocks of text.
v starts character-oriented highlighting
V starts line-oriented highlighting
~ Visual keys can be used in conjunction with movement keys.
~ Highlighted text can be deleted, yanked, changed, filtered, search/replaced, etc.
6. Using multiple "windows":
~ Multiple documents can be viewed in a single vim screen.
- Ctrl-w, s splits the screen horizontally
- Ctrl-w, v splits the screen vertically
- Ctrl-w, Arrow(h,j,k,l is ok, too) moves between windows.
~ Ex-mode instructions always affect the current window
~ :help windows displays more window commands
~ vim -O file1 file2 #竖着用两个 windows 分别打开 file1 和 file2
vim -o file1 file2 #横着用两个 windows 分别打开 file2 和 file2
~ 调整 window 的大小:
Ctrl-w, N+ #增加高度,幅度是 N
Ctrl-w, N- #降低高度,幅度是 N
Ctrl-w,N> #增加宽度,幅度是 N
Ctrl-w, N< #缩小宽度,幅度是 N
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