V. 档次,层,和级
Profiles, Tiers, and Levels
A. 档次,级, 和层的概念
Profile, Level, and Tier Concepts
Profiles, tiers, and levels specify conformance points for implementing the standard
in an interoperable way across various applications that have similar functional
requirements. A profile defines a set of coding tools or algorithms that can be used
in generating a conforming bitstream, whereas a level places constraints on certain
key parameters of the bitstream, corresponding to decoder processing load and memory
为了使标准在跨平台的应用环境(它们有相同的功能需求)中有相同的效果,档次,层, 和组指定了
档次 定义了一个编码工具或算法集合,它用来生成符合要求的码流;
级 对码流的一些关键参数进行了限制,对应要解码的处理负载和存储开销。
Level restrictions are established in terms of maximum samplerate, maximum picture size,
maximum bit rate, minimum compression ratio and capacities of the DPB, and the coded
picture buffer (CPB) that holds compressed data prior to its decoding for data flow
management purposes. In the design of HEVC, it was determined that some applications
existed that had requirements that differed only in terms of maximum bit rate and CPB
capacities. To resolve this issue, two tiers were specified for some levels—a Main
Tier for most applications and a High Tier for use in the most demanding applications.
级 通过以下参数来进行限制,包括有:
. 最大采样率(也就是帧率),
. 最大图像尺寸,
. 最大比特率,
. 最小压缩率和DPB能力,
. 编码图像buffer(CPB),为了数据流的管理,它先于解码之前存储了码流数据;
. 主层用于绝大多数的场景,
. 高层用于特定的场景
A decoder conforming to a certain tier and level is required to be capable of decoding
all bitstreams that conform to the same tier or the lower tier of that level or any
level below it. Decoders conforming to a specific profile must support all features
in that profile. Encoders are not required to make use of any particular set of features
supported in a profile, but are required to produce conforming bitstreams,
i.e., bitstreams that obey the specified constraints that enable them to be decoded
by conforming decoders.
解码器要符合某个特定的档次,必须支持这个档次的所有功能 。
B. HEVC的档次和级的定义
The HEVC Profile and Level Definitions
Only three profiles targetting different application requirements, called the Main,
Main 10, and Main Still Picture profiles, are foreseen to be finalized by January 2013.
Minimizing the number of profiles provides a maximum amount of interoperability between
devices, and is further justified by the fact that traditionally separate services,
such as broadcast, mobile, streaming, are converging to the point where most
devices should become usable to support all of them. The three drafted profiles consist
of the coding tools and highlayer syntax described in the earlier sections of this paper,
while imposing the following restrictions.
. Main,
. Main 10,
. Main Still Picture
1) Only 4:2:0 chroma sampling is supported.
2) When an encoder encodes a picture using multiple tiles,
it cannot also use wavefront parallel processing, and
each tile must be at least 256 luma samples wide and
64 luma samples tall.
3) In the Main and Main Still Picture profiles, only a video
precision of 8 b per sample is supported, while the Main
10 profile supports up to 10 b per sample.
Main和 Main Still Picture档次中,只支持8比特每像素数度;
Main 10档次支持10比特每像素精度。
4) In the Main Still Picture profile, the entire bitstream must
contain only one coded picture (and thus interpicture
prediction is not supported).
Main Still Picture档次中,整个比特流只包含一个编码图像;
Level Limits for the Main Profile
Currently, the definition of 13 levels is planned to be included in the first version of
the standard as shown in Table V, ranging from levels that support only relatively small
picture sizes such as a luma picture size of 176×144 (sometimes called a quarter common
intermediate format) to picture sizes as large as 7680×4320 (often called 8k×4k). The
picture width and height are each required to be less than or equal to √8 · MaxLumaPS,
where MaxLumaPS is the maximum luma picture size as shown in Table V (to avoid the problems
for decoders that could be involved with extreme picture shapes).
图像尺寸的范围从176x144到7680×4320 (often called 8k×4k).
√8 · MaxLumaPS.
There are two tiers supported for eight of these levels (level 4 and higher). The CPB
capacity is equal to the maximum bit rate times 1 s for all levels except level 1,
which has a (higher) CPB capacity of 350 000 b. The specified maximum DPB capacity in
each level is six pictures when operating at the maximum picture size supported by the
level (including both the current picture and all other pictures that are retained in
the decoder at any point in time for reference or output purposes). When operating with
a smaller picture size than the maximum size supported by the level, the DPB picture
storage capacity can increase to as many as 16 pictures (depending on the particular
selected picture size). Level specific constraints are also specified for the maximum
number of tiles used horizontally and vertically within each picture and the maximum
number of tiles used per second.
CPB容量等于除级1之外的所有级的最大比特率,级1的CPB容量为350 000 比特。
. 当对级中支持的最大图像尺寸操作时,
. 当对级中支持的小于最大图像尺寸的图像操作时,
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