How to control Copper-molybdenum ore flotation
Froth flotation is a process for separating
minerals from gangue by taking advantage of differences in their hydrophobicity.
Hydrophobicity differences between valuable minerals and waste gangue are
increased through the use of surfactants and wetting agents. The selective
separation of the minerals makes processing complex (that is, mixed) ores
economically feasible. The flotation process is used for the separation of a
large range of sulfides, carbonates and oxides prior to further refinement.
Phosphates and coal are also processed upgraded by flotation
Principle of operation
comminution (that is, crushing and grinding),
which is used to increase the surface area of the ore for subsequent processing
and break the rocks into the desired mineral and gangue in a process known as
liberation, which then has to be separated from the desired mineral. The ore is
ground into a fine powder and mixed with water to form a slurry. The desired
mineral is rendered hydrophobic by the addition of a surfactant or collector
chemical. The particular chemical depends on which mineral is being refined. As
an example, pine oil is used to extract copper. This slurry (more properly
called the pulp) of hydrophobic mineral-bearing ore and hydrophilic gangue is
then introduced to a water bath which is aerated, creating bubbles. The
hydrophobic grains of mineral-bearing ore escape the water by attaching to the
air bubbles, which rise to the surface, forming a foam or a scum (more properly
called a froth). The froth is removed and the concentrated mineral is further
Associated with copper-based copper-molybdenum
ore molybdenum porphyry copper deposit exist in nature, produced in the porphyry
copper deposits in the Copper accounts for about two-thirds of the world's
copper reserves.
China is a large copper mine in Jiangxi Dexing
porphyry copper deposit. Porphyry copper deposit is characterized by: low-grade
ore, often accompanied by birth molybdenum, generally copper 0.5% ~ 1%,
molybdenum 0.01% ~ 0.03%, embedded in fine particle size cloth, mostly for
Disseminated ; reserves, large, large-scale processing plant. Porphyry copper
deposit in the copper minerals, mostly chalcopyrite, followed by chalcocite and
other copper minerals less. Molybdenum minerals are generally molybdenite.
Porphyry copper deposit of copper is not only an important resource, but also an
important source of molybdenum, often occurrence with rhenium, gold, silver and
other rare expensive elements. A feature of porphyry copper flotation
Most of coarse concentrate regrinding stage of
re-election of sorting process: namely, coarse grinding (50% ~ 65% -0. 074mm)
under the conditions of Cu-Mo mixed roughing obtained coarse concentrate
regrinding (90% ~ 100% -0. 074mm), further selection.
With its high quality products such as , , , , , Henan
Hongxing mining machinery Co.Ltd has ascended in the front rank of the world in
the exporting of mining equipments.
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