说到Java你想到什么哩? 说实话, 我还是喜欢sun......:P
- wget
- sudo bash oab-java6.sh
当然啦, Launchpad还是有”神谕”JDK 7的安装檔。 ~webupd8team/+archive/java
备份下 script
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- # Copyright (c) Martin Wimpress
- #
- # See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
- # References
- # -
- # -
- # - ~lockhart/gpg/gpg-cs.html
- # Variables
- VER="0.2.1"
- function copyright_msg() {
- local MODE=${1}
- if [ "${MODE}" == "build_docs" ]; then
- echo "OAB-Java6"
- echo "========="
- fi
- echo `basename ${0}`" v${VER} - Create a local 'apt' repository for Ubuntu Java packages."
- echo "Copyright (c) Martin Wimpress, MIT License"
- echo
- echo "By running this script to download Java you acknowledge that you have"
- echo "read and accepted the terms of the Oracle end user license agreement."
- echo
- echo "* "
- echo
- # Adjust the output if we are executing the script.
- # It doesn't make sense to see this message here in the documentation.
- if [ "${MODE}" != "build_docs" ]; then
- echo "If you want to see what this is script is doing while it is running then execute"
- echo "the following from another shell:"
- echo
- echo " tail -f `pwd`/`basename ${0}`.log"
- echo
- fi
- }
- function usage() {
- local MODE=${1}
- echo "Usage"
- echo "-----"
- echo "::"
- echo
- echo " sudo ${0}"
- echo
- echo "Optional parameters"
- echo
- echo "* ``-c`` : Remove pre-existing packages from ``/var/local/oab/deb``"
- echo "* ``-s`` : Skip building if the packages already exist"
- echo "* ``-h`` : This help"
- echo
- echo "How do I download and run this thing?"
- echo "-------------------------------------"
- echo "Like this."
- echo "::"
- echo
- echo " cd ~/"
- echo " wget {VER}/`basename ${0}` -O `basename ${0}`"
- echo " chmod +x `basename ${0}`"
- echo " sudo ./`basename ${0}`"
- echo
- echo "If you are behind a proxy you may need to run using:"
- echo "::"
- echo
- echo " sudo -i ./`basename ${0}`"
- echo
- # Adjust the output if we are building the docs.
- if [ "${MODE}" == "build_docs" ]; then
- echo "If you want to see what this is script is doing while it is running then execute"
- echo "the following from another shell:"
- echo "::"
- echo
- echo " tail -f ./`basename ${0}`.log"
- echo
- fi
- echo "How it works"
- echo "------------"
- echo "This script is merely a wrapper for the most excellent Debian packaging"
- echo "scripts prepared by Janusz Dziemidowicz."
- echo
- echo "* "
- echo
- echo "The basic execution steps are:"
- echo
- echo "* Remove, my now disabled, Java PPA 'ppa:flexiondotorg/java'."
- echo "* Install the tools required to build the Java packages."
- echo "* Create download cache in ``/var/local/oab/pkg``."
- echo "* Download the i586 and x64 Java install binaries from Oracle. Yes, both are required."
- echo "* Clone the build scripts from "
- echo "* Build the Java packages applicable to your system."
- echo "* Create local ``apt`` repository in ``/var/local/oab/deb`` for the newly built Java Packages."
- echo "* Create a GnuPG signing key in ``/var/local/oab/gpg`` if none exists."
- echo "* Sign the local ``apt`` repository using the local GnuPG signing key."
- echo
- echo "What gets installed?"
- echo "--------------------"
- echo "Nothing!"
- echo
- echo "This script will no longer try and directly install or upgrade any Java"
- echo "packages, instead a local ``apt`` repository is created that hosts locally"
- echo "built Java packages applicable to your system. It is up to you to install"
- echo "or upgrade the Java packages you require using ``apt-get``, ``aptitude`` or"
- echo "``synaptic``, etc. For example, once this script has been run you can simply"
- echo "install the JRE by executing the following from a shell."
- echo "::"
- echo
- echo " sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre"
- echo
- echo "Or if you already have the *\"official\"* Ubuntu packages installed then you"
- echo "can upgrade by executing the following from a shell."
- echo "::"
- echo
- echo " sudo apt-get upgrade"
- echo
- echo "The local ``apt`` repository is just that, **local**. It is not accessible"
- echo "remotely and `basename ${0}` will never enable that capability to ensure"
- echo "compliance with Oracle's asinine license requirements."
- echo
- echo "Known Issues"
- echo "------------"
- echo
- echo "* The Oracle download servers can be horribly slow. My script caches the downloads so you only need download each file once."
- echo
- echo "What is 'oab'?"
- echo "--------------"
- echo "Because, O.A.B! ;-)"
- echo
- # Only exit if we are not build docs.
- if [ "${MODE}" != "build_docs" ]; then
- exit 1
- fi
- }
- function build_docs() {
- copyright_msg build_docs > README.rst
- # Add the usage instructions
- usage build_docs >> README.rst
- # Add the CHANGES
- if [ -e CHANGES ]; then
- cat CHANGES >> README.rst
- fi
- # Add the AUTHORS
- if [ -e AUTHORS ]; then
- cat AUTHORS >> README.rst
- fi
- # Add the TODO
- if [ -e TODO ]; then
- cat TODO >> README.rst
- fi
- # Add the LICENSE
- if [ -e LICENSE ]; then
- cat LICENSE >> README.rst
- fi
- echo "Documentation built."
- exit 0
- }
- copyright_msg
- # 'source' my common functions
- if [ -r /tmp/common.sh ]; then
- source /tmp/common.sh
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "ERROR! Couldn't import common functions from /tmp/common.sh"
- rm /tmp/common.sh 2>/dev/null
- exit 1
- else
- update_thyself
- fi
- else
- echo "Downloading common.sh"
- wget --no-check-certificate -q "" -O /tmp/common.sh
- chmod 666 /tmp/common.sh
- source /tmp/common.sh
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "ERROR! Couldn't import common functions from /tmp/common.sh"
- rm /tmp/common.sh 2>/dev/null
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- # Check we are running on a supported system in the correct way.
- check_root
- check_sudo
- check_ubuntu "all"
- # Parse the options
- OPTSTRING=bchk:s
- while getopts ${OPTSTRING} OPT
- do
- case ${OPT} in
- b) build_docs;;
- c) BUILD_CLEAN=1;;
- h) usage;;
- *) usage;;
- esac
- done
- shift "$(( $OPTIND - 1 ))"
- # Remove my, now disabled, Java PPA.
- if [ -e /etc/apt/sources.list.d/flexiondotorg-java-${LSB_CODE}.list ]; then
- ncecho " [x] Removing ppa:flexiondotorg/java "
- rm -v /etc/apt/sources.list.d/flexiondotorg-java-${LSB_CODE}.list* >> "$log" 2>&1
- cecho success
- fi
- # Determine the build and runtime requirements.
- BUILD_DEPS="build-essential debhelper defoma devscripts dpkg-dev git-core \
- gnupg imvirt libasound2 libxi6 libxt6 libxtst6 rng-tools unixodbc unzip"
- if [ "${LSB_ARCH}" == "amd64" ]; then
- BUILD_DEPS="${BUILD_DEPS} lib32asound2 ia32-libs"
- fi
- # Install the Java build requirements
- ncecho " [x] Installing Java build requirements "
- apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends ${BUILD_DEPS} >> "$log" 2>&1 &
- pid=$!;progress $pid
- # Make sure the required dirs exist.
- ncecho " [x] Making build directories "
- mkdir -p /var/local/oab/{deb,gpg,pkg} >> "$log" 2>&1 &
- pid=$!;progress $pid
- # Set the permissions appropriately for 'gpg'
- chown root:root /var/local/oab/gpg 2>/dev/null
- chmod 0700 /var/local/oab/gpg 2>/dev/null
- # Remove the 'src' directory everytime.
- ncecho " [x] Removing clones of "
- rm -rfv /var/local/oab/sun-java6* 2>/dev/null >> "$log" 2>&1
- rm -rfv /var/local/oab/src 2>/dev/null >> "$log" 2>&1 &
- pid=$!;progress $pid
- # Clone the code
- ncecho " [x] Cloning "
- cd /var/local/oab/ >> "$log" 2>&1
- git clone src >> "$log" 2>&1 &
- pid=$!;progress $pid
- # Get the last commit tag.
- cd /var/local/oab/src >> "$log" 2>&1
- TAG=`git tag -l | tail -n1`
- # Checkout the tagged, stable, version.
- ncecho " [x] Checking out ${TAG} "
- git checkout ${TAG} >> "$log" 2>&1 &
- pid=$!;progress $pid
- # Cet the current Debian package version and package urgency
- DEB_VERSION=`head -n1 /var/local/oab/src/debian/changelog | cut -d'(' -f2 | cut -d')' -f1 | cut -d'~' -f1`
- DEB_URGENCY=`head -n1 /var/local/oab/src/debian/changelog | cut -d'=' -f2`
- # Determine the currently supported Java version and update
- JAVA_VER=`echo ${DEB_VERSION} | cut -d'.' -f1`
- JAVA_UPD=`echo ${DEB_VERSION} | cut -d'.' -f2 | cut -d'-' -f1`
- # Try and dynamic find the JDK downloads
- ncecho " [x] Getting Java SE download page"
- wget "" -O /tmp/oab-index.html >> "$log" 2>&1 &
- pid=$!;progress $pid
- # See if the Java version is on the download frontpage, otherwise look for it in
- # the previous releases page.
- DOWNLOAD_INDEX=`grep -P -o "/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk-${JAVA_VER}u${JAVA_UPD}-downloads-\d+\.html" /tmp/oab-index.html | uniq`
- if [ -n "${DOWNLOAD_INDEX}" ]; then
- ncecho " [x] Getting current release download page "
- wget {DOWNLOAD_INDEX} -O /tmp/oab-download.html >> "$log" 2>&1 &
- pid=$!;progress $pid
- else
- ncecho " [x] Getting previous releases download page "
- wget -O /tmp/oab-download.html >> "$log" 2>&1 &
- pid=$!;progress $pid
- fi
- # Download the Oracle install packages.
- for JAVA_BIN in jdk-${JAVA_VER}u${JAVA_UPD}-linux-i586.bin jdk-${JAVA_VER}u${JAVA_UPD}-linux-x64.bin
- do
- # Get the download URL and size
- DOWNLOAD_URL=`grep ${JAVA_BIN} /tmp/oab-download.html | cut -d'{' -f2 | cut -d',' -f3 | cut -d'"' -f4`
- DOWNLOAD_SIZE=`grep ${JAVA_BIN} /tmp/oab-download.html | cut -d'{' -f2 | cut -d',' -f2 | cut -d':' -f2 | sed 's/"//g'`
- # Cookies required for download
- COOKIES="oraclelicensejdk-${JAVA_VER}u${JAVA_UPD}-oth-JPR=accept-securebackup-cookie;gpw_e24="
- ncecho " [x] Downloading ${JAVA_BIN} : ${DOWNLOAD_SIZE} "
- wget --no-check-certificate --header="Cookie: ${COOKIES}" -c "${DOWNLOAD_URL}" -O /var/local/oab/pkg/${JAVA_BIN} >> "$log" 2>&1 &
- pid=$!;progress_loop $pid
- ncecho " [x] Symlinking ${JAVA_BIN} "
- ln -s /var/local/oab/pkg/${JAVA_BIN} /var/local/oab/src/${JAVA_BIN} >> "$log" 2>&1 &
- pid=$!;progress_loop $pid
- done
- # Determine the new version
- if [ -n "${SKIP_REBUILD}" -a -r "/var/local/oab/deb/sun-java${JAVA_VER}_${NEW_VERSION}_${LSB_ARCH}.changes" ]; then
- echo " [!] Package exists, skipping build "
- echo "All done!"
- exit
- fi
- # Genereate a build message
- BUILD_MESSAGE="Automated build for ${LSB_REL} using "
- # Change directory to the build directory
- cd /var/local/oab/src
- # Update the changelog
- ncecho " [x] Updating the changelog "
- dch --distribution ${LSB_CODE} --force-distribution --newversion ${NEW_VERSION} --force-bad-version --urgency=${DEB_URGENCY} "${BUILD_MESSAGE}" >> "$log" 2>&1 &
- pid=$!;progress $pid
- # Build the binary packages
- ncecho " [x] Building the packages "
- dpkg-buildpackage -b >> "$log" 2>&1 &
- pid=$!;progress_can_fail $pid
- if [ -e /var/local/oab/sun-java${JAVA_VER}_${NEW_VERSION}_${LSB_ARCH}.changes ]; then
- # Remove any existing .deb files if the 'clean' option was selected.
- if [ ${BUILD_CLEAN} -eq 1 ]; then
- ncecho " [x] Removing existing .deb packages "
- rm -fv /var/local/oab/deb/* >> "$log" 2>&1 &
- pid=$!;progress $pid
- fi
- # Populate the 'apt' repository with .debs
- ncecho " [x] Moving the packages "
- mv -v /var/local/oab/sun-java${JAVA_VER}_${NEW_VERSION}_${LSB_ARCH}.changes /var/local/oab/deb/ >> "$log" 2>&1
- mv -v /var/local/oab/*sun-java${JAVA_VER}-*_${NEW_VERSION}_*.deb /var/local/oab/deb/ >> "$log" 2>&1 &
- pid=$!;progress $pid
- else
- error_msg "ERROR! Packages failed to build."
- fi
- # Create a temporary 'override' file, which may contain duplicates
- echo "#Override" > /tmp/override
- echo "#Package priority section" >> /tmp/override
- for FILE in /var/local/oab/deb/*.deb
- do
- DEB_PACKAGE=`dpkg --info ${FILE} | grep Package | cut -d':' -f2`
- DEB_SECTION=`dpkg --info ${FILE} | grep Section | cut -d'/' -f2`
- echo "${DEB_PACKAGE} high ${DEB_SECTION}" >> /tmp/override
- done
- # Remove the duplicates from the overide file
- uniq /tmp/override > /var/local/oab/deb/override
- # Create the 'apt' Packages.gz
- ncecho " [x] Creating Packages.gz file "
- cd /var/local/oab/deb
- dpkg-scanpackages . override 2>/dev/null > Packages
- cat Packages | gzip -c9 > Packages.gz
- rm /var/local/oab/deb/override 2>/dev/null
- cecho success
- # Create a 'Release' file
- ncecho " [x] Creating Release file "
- cd /var/local/oab/deb
- echo "Origin: `hostname --fqdn`" > Release
- echo "Label: Java" >> Release
- echo "Suite: ${LSB_CODE}" >> Release
- echo "Version: ${LSB_REL}" >> Release
- echo "Codename: ${LSB_CODE}" >> Release
- echo "Date: `date -R`" >> Release
- echo "Architectures: ${LSB_ARCH}" >> Release
- echo "Components: restricted" >> Release
- echo "Description: Local Java Repository" >> Release
- echo "MD5Sum:" >> Release
- for PACKAGE in Packages*
- do
- printf ' '`md5sum ${PACKAGE} | cut -d' ' -f1`" %16d ${PACKAGE}\n" `wc --bytes ${PACKAGE} | cut -d' ' -f1` >> Release
- done
- cecho success
- # Skip anything todo with automated key creation if this script is running in
- # an OpenVZ container.
- if [[ `imvirt` != "OpenVZ" ]]; then
- # Do we need to create signing keys
- if [ ! -e /var/local/oab/gpg/pubring.gpg ] && [ ! -e /var/local/oab/gpg/secring.gpg ] && [ ! -e /var/local/oab/gpg/trustdb.gpg ]; then
- ncecho " [x] Create GnuPG configuration "
- echo "Key-Type: DSA" > /var/local/oab/gpg-key.conf
- echo "Key-Length: 1024" >> /var/local/oab/gpg-key.conf
- echo "Subkey-Type: ELG-E" >> /var/local/oab/gpg-key.conf
- echo "Subkey-Length: 2048" >> /var/local/oab/gpg-key.conf
- echo "Name-Real: `hostname --fqdn`" >> /var/local/oab/gpg-key.conf
- echo "Name-Email: root@`hostname --fqdn`" >> /var/local/oab/gpg-key.conf
- echo "Expire-Date: 0" >> /var/local/oab/gpg-key.conf
- cecho success
- # Stop the system 'rngd'.
- /etc/init.d/rng-tools stop >> "$log" 2>&1
- ncecho " [x] Start generating entropy "
- rngd -r /dev/urandom -p /tmp/rngd.pid >> "$log" 2>&1 &
- pid=$!;progress $pid
- ncecho " [x] Creating signing key "
- gpg --homedir /var/local/oab/gpg --batch --gen-key /var/local/oab/gpg-key.conf >> "$log" 2>&1 &
- pid=$!;progress $pid
- ncecho " [x] Stop generating entropy "
- kill -9 `cat /tmp/rngd.pid` >> "$log" 2>&1 &
- pid=$!;progress $pid
- rm /tmp/rngd.pid 2>/dev/null
- # Start the system 'rngd'.
- /etc/init.d/rng-tools start >> "$log" 2>&1
- fi
- fi
- # Do we have signing keys, if so use them.
- if [ -e /var/local/oab/gpg/pubring.gpg ] && [ -e /var/local/oab/gpg/secring.gpg ] && [ -e /var/local/oab/gpg/trustdb.gpg ]; then
- # Sign the Release
- ncecho " [x] Signing the 'Release' file "
- rm /var/local/oab/deb/Release.gpg 2>/dev/null
- gpg --homedir /var/local/oab/gpg --armor --detach-sign --output /var/local/oab/deb/Release.gpg /var/local/oab/deb/Release >> "$log" 2>&1 &
- pid=$!;progress $pid
- # Export public signing key
- ncecho " [x] Exporting public key "
- gpg --homedir /var/local/oab/gpg --export -a "`hostname --fqdn`" > /var/local/oab/deb/pubkey.asc
- cecho success
- # Add the public signing key
- ncecho " [x] Adding public key "
- apt-key add /var/local/oab/deb/pubkey.asc >> "$log" 2>&1 &
- pid=$!;progress $pid
- fi
- # Update apt cache
- echo "deb file:///var/local/oab/deb / #Sun Java6 - " > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oab.list
- apt_update
- echo "All done!"
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