- #!/bin/sh
- #文 件 名: autogen_mysql.sh
- #功 能: 自动生成Mysql集群配置文件,生成环境自动部署,自动运行脚本等
- #创建时间: 2012-02-05
- #自动化生成的文件列表:
- #(执行autogen_mysql.sh后,会生成autogen目录,里面会存放自动生成的相关文件)
- #1. ConfigAllServer.sh 自动配置所有Mysql集群节点脚本,包括NDB节点,mysql节点,管理节点
- #2. RunAllServer.sh 自动启动所有Mysql集群节点脚本,包括NDB节点,mysql节点,管理节点
- #3. mgm_node.sh 启动,关闭,重启管理节点脚本.在执行ConfigAllServer.sh时,会将该脚本自动拷贝到管理节点的/etc/目录下
- #4. mysql_node.sh 启动或关闭Mysql节点脚本.在执行ConfigAllServer.sh时,会将该脚本自动拷贝到Mysql节点的/etc/目录下
- #5. ndb_node_start.sh 启动NDB节点脚本.在执行ConfigAllServer.sh时,会将该脚本自动拷贝到NDB节点的/etc/目录下
- #6. config.ini 管理配置文件.在执行ConfigAllServer.sh时,会将该配置文件自动拷贝到管理节点的/var/lib/mysql/目录下
- #7. my_ndb.cnf NDB节点配置文件.在执行ConfigAllServer.sh时,会将该脚本自动拷贝到NDB节点的/etc/目录下,并命名为my.cnf
- #8. my_mysql.cnf Mysql节点配置脚本.在执行ConfigAllServer.sh时,会将该脚本自动拷贝到Mysql节点的/etc/目录下,并命名为my.cnf
- #注意事项
- #1. 执行ConfigAllServer.sh, RunAllServer.sh这两个脚本的主机需要修改/etc/ssh/ssh_config,将StrictHostKeyChecking设置为no,防止弹出提示框引起自动化无法执行完毕
- # 测试 sysbench --mysql-user=uProfile --mysql-password=123456 --test=oltp --mysql-host= --oltp-test-mode=complex --mysql-table-engine=ndbcluster --oltp-table-size=5000000 --mysql-db=uProfile --num-threads=64 --max-requests=500000 prepare
- # -------------------------------------------------以下根据实际情况进行设定----------------------------------------------------
- # ROOT权限密码,该密码为所有集群节点通用密码,所有服务器ROOT将使用统一密码,便于自动化控制,否则上面提到的ConfigAllServer.sh, RunAllServer.sh这两个文件无法正常运行
- # 管理节点IP地址
- # NDB节点IP数组,数据之间用空格隔开,如''
- NDB_IPS=''
- # MySQL节点IP数组,数据之间用空格隔开,如''
- SQL_IPS=''
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- rm -fr ./autogen_mysql
- mkdir ./autogen_mysql
- #Create my_ndb.cnf
- cat > ./autogen_mysql/my_ndb.cnf << end
- [mysqld]
- max_connections = 2000
- slow_query_log = /var/lib/mysql/data/slow_query.log
- long_query_time = 1
- ndbcluster
- ndb-connectstring=$MGM_IP
- [mysql_cluster]
- ndb-connectstring=$MGM_IP
- end
- #Create my_mysql.cnf
- cat > ./autogen_mysql/my_mysql.cnf << end
- [mysqld]
- ndbcluster
- ndb-connectstring=$MGM_IP:1186
- max_connections=2000
- skip-name-resolve
- #tmp_table_size=1024M
- #max_heap_table_size=1024M
- [mysql_cluster]
- ndb-connectstring=$MGM_IP:1186
- end
- id=10
- for ndb_ip in $NDB_IPS;do
- NDB_LIST=$NDB_LIST"NodeId=$id"$'\n'
- NDB_LIST=$NDB_LIST"HostName=$ndb_ip"$'\n'
- id=$(expr $id + 1)
- done
- id=50
- for sql_ip in $SQL_IPS;do
- SQL_LIST=$SQL_LIST"NodeId=$id"$'\n'
- SQL_LIST=$SQL_LIST"HostName=$sql_ip"$'\n'
- id=$(expr $id + 1)
- done
- #Create config.ini
- cat > ./autogen_mysql/config.ini << end
- NoOfReplicas: 2
- DataDir: /home/Mysql/Data
- backupdatadir: /home/Mysql/Backup
- FileSystemPath: /home/Mysql/File
- # Data Memory, Index Memory, and String Memory #
- DataMemory: 5120M
- IndexMemory: 512M
- StringMemory: 5
- # Transaction Parameters #
- MaxNoOfConcurrentTransactions: 40960
- MaxNoOfConcurrentOperations: 100000
- MaxNoOfLocalOperations: 100000
- # Transaction Temporary Storage #
- MaxNoOfConcurrentIndexOperations: 8192
- MaxNoOfFiredTriggers: 4000
- TransactionBufferMemory: 1M
- # Scans and buffering #
- MaxNoOfConcurrentScans: 300
- MaxNoOfLocalScans: 1000
- BatchSizePerLocalScan: 64
- LongMessageBuffer: 1M
- # Logging and Checkpointing #
- NoOfFragmentLogFiles: 300
- FragmentLogFileSize: 16M
- MaxNoOfOpenFiles: 40
- InitialNoOfOpenFiles: 27
- MaxNoOfSavedMessages: 25
- # Metadata Objects #
- MaxNoOfAttributes: 1500
- MaxNoOfTables: 400
- MaxNoOfOrderedIndexes: 200
- MaxNoOfUniqueHashIndexes: 200
- MaxNoOfTriggers: 770
- # Boolean Parameters #
- LockPagesInMainMemory: 0
- StopOnError: 1
- Diskless: 0
- ODirect: 0
- # Controlling Timeouts, Intervals, and Disk Paging #
- TimeBetweenWatchDogCheck: 6000
- TimeBetweenWatchDogCheckInitial: 6000
- StartPartialTimeout: 30000
- StartPartitionedTimeout: 60000
- StartFailureTimeout: 1000000
- HeartbeatIntervalDbDb: 5000
- HeartbeatIntervalDbApi: 5000
- TimeBetweenLocalCheckpoints: 20
- TimeBetweenGlobalCheckpoints: 2000
- TransactionInactiveTimeout: 0
- TransactionDeadlockDetectionTimeout: 1200
- DiskSyncSize: 4M
- DiskCheckpointSpeed: 10M
- DiskCheckpointSpeedInRestart: 100M
- ArbitrationTimeout: 10
- # Buffering and Logging #
- UndoIndexBuffer: 2M
- UndoDataBuffer: 1M
- RedoBuffer: 32M
- LogLevelStartup: 15
- LogLevelShutdown: 3
- LogLevelStatistic: 0
- LogLevelCheckpoint: 0
- LogLevelNodeRestart: 0
- LogLevelConnection: 0
- LogLevelError: 15
- LogLevelCongestion: 0
- LogLevelInfo: 3
- MemReportFrequency: 0
- # Backup Parameters #
- BackupDataBufferSize: 2M
- BackupLogBufferSize: 2M
- BackupMemory: 64M
- BackupWriteSize: 32K
- BackupMaxWriteSize: 256K
- SendBufferMemory=10M
- ReceiveBufferMemory=2M
- PortNumber=1186
- Datadir=/home/Mysql/Data
- NodeId=1
- HostName=$MGM_IP
- end
- #Create ndb_node_start.sh
- cat > ./autogen_mysql/ndb_node_start.sh << end
- #!/bin/sh
- service iptables stop
- chkconfig iptables off
- ndbd &
- if ! grep ndb_node_start /etc/rc.local > /dev/null
- then
- echo "sh /etc/ndb_node_start.sh" >> /etc/rc.local
- fi
- end
- #Create mysql_node.sh
- cat > ./autogen_mysql/mysql_node.sh << end
- #!/bin/sh
- service iptables stop
- chkconfig iptables off
- case "\$1" in
- start)
- mysqld_safe &
- ;;
- stop)
- mysqladmin -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD shutdown
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Usage: \$0 {start|stop}"
- exit 1
- esac
- if ! grep mysql_node /etc/rc.local > /dev/null
- then
- echo "sh /etc/mysql_node.sh start" >> /etc/rc.local
- fi
- end
- #Create mgm_node.sh
- cat > ./autogen_mysql/mgm_node.sh << end
- #!/bin/sh
- service iptables stop
- chkconfig iptables off
- case "\$1" in
- start)
- ndb_mgmd -f /var/lib/mysql/config.ini --configdir=/var/lib/mysql/
- ;;
- stop)
- ndb_mgm -e shutdown
- ;;
- restart)
- ndb_mgm -e shutdown
- ndb_mgmd -f /var/lib/mysql/config.ini --configdir=/var/lib/mysql/ --reload
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Usage: \$0 {start|stop|restart}"
- exit 1
- esac
- if ! grep mgm_node /etc/rc.local > /dev/null
- then
- echo "sh /etc/mgm_node.sh start" >> /etc/rc.local
- fi
- end
- #Create ConfigAllServer.sh
- for ndb_ip in $NDB_IPS;do
- SCP_LIST=$SCP_LIST"spawn scp my_ndb.cnf root@$ndb_ip:/etc/my.cnf"$'\n'
- SCP_LIST=$SCP_LIST"expect \"*password*\""$'\n'
- SCP_LIST=$SCP_LIST"expect eof"$'\n'$'\n'
- SCP_LIST=$SCP_LIST"spawn scp ndb_node_start.sh root@$ndb_ip:/etc/ndb_node_start.sh"$'\n'
- SCP_LIST=$SCP_LIST"expect \"*password*\""$'\n'
- SCP_LIST=$SCP_LIST"expect eof"$'\n'$'\n'
- done
- for sql_ip in $SQL_IPS;do
- SCP_LIST=$SCP_LIST"spawn scp my_mysql.cnf root@$sql_ip:/etc/my.cnf"$'\n'
- SCP_LIST=$SCP_LIST"expect \"*password*\""$'\n'
- SCP_LIST=$SCP_LIST"expect eof"$'\n'$'\n'
- SCP_LIST=$SCP_LIST"spawn scp mysql_node.sh root@$sql_ip:/etc/mysql_node.sh"$'\n'
- SCP_LIST=$SCP_LIST"expect \"*password*\""$'\n'
- SCP_LIST=$SCP_LIST"expect eof"$'\n'$'\n'
- done
- cat > ./autogen_mysql/ConfigAllServer.sh << end
- #!/bin/sh
- /usr/bin/expect << endexpect
- set timeout 10
- spawn scp config.ini root@$MGM_IP:/var/lib/mysql/config.ini
- expect "*password*"
- send "$ROOTPASSWORD\r"
- expect eof
- spawn scp mgm_node.sh root@$MGM_IP:/etc/mgm_node.sh
- expect "*password*"
- send "$ROOTPASSWORD\r"
- expect eof
- endexpect
- end
- #Create RunAllServer.sh
- for ndp_ip in $NDB_IPS;do
- RUN_LIST=$RUN_LIST"spawn ssh root@$ndp_ip"$'\n'
- RUN_LIST=$RUN_LIST"expect \"*password*\""$'\n'
- RUN_LIST=$RUN_LIST"expect \"#\""$'\n'
- RUN_LIST=$RUN_LIST"send \"sh /etc/ndb_node_start.sh\r\""$'\n'
- RUN_LIST=$RUN_LIST"expect eof"$'\n'
- RUN_LIST=$RUN_LIST"send \"exit\r\""$'\n'$'\n'
- done
- for sql_ip in $SQL_IPS;do
- RUN_LIST=$RUN_LIST"spawn ssh root@$sql_ip"$'\n'
- RUN_LIST=$RUN_LIST"expect \"*password*\""$'\n'
- RUN_LIST=$RUN_LIST"expect \"#\""$'\n'
- RUN_LIST=$RUN_LIST"send \"sh /etc/mysql_node.sh start\r\""$'\n'
- RUN_LIST=$RUN_LIST"expect eof"$'\n'
- RUN_LIST=$RUN_LIST"send \"exit\r\""$'\n'$'\n'
- done
- cat > ./autogen_mysql/RunAllServer.sh << end
- #!/bin/sh
- /usr/bin/expect << endexpect
- set timeout 10
- spawn ssh root@$MGM_IP
- expect "*password*"
- send "$ROOTPASSWORD\r"
- expect "#"
- send "sh /etc/mgm_node.sh start\r"
- expect eof
- send "exit\r"
- endexpect
- end
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