.globl lowlevel_init
/* memory control configuration */
/* make r0 relative the current location so that it */
/* reads SMRDATA out of FLASH rather than memory ! */
ldr r0, =SMRDATA
ldr r1, =lowlevel_init
sub r0, r0, r1
adr r3, lowlevel_init /* r3 <- current position of code */
add r0, r0, r3
ldr r1, =BWSCON /* Bus Width Status Controller */
add r2, r0, #13*4
ldr r3, [r0], #4
str r3, [r1], #4
cmp r2, r0
bne 0b
ldr r1,=lowlevel_init 这下面几句是干什么的
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