#include <stdio.h>
* strcmp compare two strings, return less than,equal to , or less than
* Purpose:
* strcmp compare two strings and return an integer
* to indicate whether the first less than the second,
* the two are squal ,or whether the first is greater than the second
* Comparison is done byte by byte on an unsigned basis,which is to
* say that Null(0) is less than any other character(1-255).
* Entry:
* const char *src - string for left-hand side of comparison
* const char *dst - string for right-hand side of comparison
* Exit:
* return -1 if src < dst
* return 0 if src == dst
* return +1 if src > dst
My Vsersion
#ifdef __MY_SELF__
int strcmp(const char *src, const char *dst)
int ret = 0;
while ( !(ret = (unsigned int)*src - (unsigned int)*dst)
&& *src && *dst ) {
src ++;
dst ++;
if (ret > 0) {
ret = 1;
} else if (ret < 0) {
ret = -1;
return ret;
Microsoft Version
int __cdecl strcmp (
const char * src,
const char * dst
int ret = 0 ;
while( ! (ret = *(unsigned char *)src - *(unsigned char *)dst) && *dst)
++src, ++dst;
if ( ret < 0 )
ret = -1 ;
else if ( ret > 0 )
ret = 1 ;
return( ret );
#endif // __MY_SELF__
int main()
int ret = 0;
ret = strcmp("acvb","acv");
printf("#1 acvb acv res = %d\n");
ret = strcmp("acvb","acvb");
printf("#2 acvb acvb res = %d\n");
ret = strcmp("acb","acv");
printf("#3 acb acv res = %d\n");
ret = strcmp("acvgfgffb","acv");
printf("#4 acvgfgffb acv res = %d\n");
return 0;
1.类型转换的时候应该使用unsigned char,还有在强制转换指针变量的时候,应该使用53行的方法(unsigned char *),然后在用*运算符取值,这样比较符合规范。
2.条件判断的时候,只要判断*src == 0 或者 *dst == 0就可以了,因为如果长度不同的时候,只要其中一个到达尾部,那么差值必然非0,则循环也就结束了。所以不需要同时判断两个变量是否为0.
__cdecl MSDN
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