- CREATE table ts
- (
- id int(11) not null UNIQUE,
- pcode int(11) default NULL,
- cno varchar(20) default null,
- count1 int(11) default null
- )
- INSERT INTO `ts` VALUES ('1', '1', ' 001', '10000');
- INSERT INTO `ts` VALUES ('2', '1', ' 002', '5000');
- INSERT INTO `ts` VALUES ('3', '1', ' 003', '20000');
- INSERT INTO `ts` VALUES ('4', '2', ' 001', '40000');
- INSERT INTO `ts` VALUES ('5', '2', ' 003', '30000');
- INSERT INTO `ts` VALUES ('6', '3', ' 002', '90000');
- INSERT INTO `ts` VALUES ('7', '3', ' 002', '90000');
- INSERT INTO `ts` VALUES ('8', '3', ' 002', '90000');
- select *
- from ts
- group by pcode
- having count(*)>2
- select *
- from ts
- where pcode in
- (select pcode
- from ts
- group by pcode
- having count(*)>1)
- select *
- from ts
- where concat(pcode,cno,count1) in
- (
- select concat(pcode,cno,count1)
- from ts
- group by pcode,cno,count1
- having count(1) >= 2
- )
- from ts
- where pcode in
- (
- select pcode
- from ts
- group by pcode
- having count(*)>1
- ) and id not in #查出所有相同的记录排除第一条,将全部删除掉
- (
- select min(id)
- from ts
- group by pcode
- having count(*) >= 2
- );
- from ts
- where concat(pcode,cno,count1) in
- (
- select concat(pcode,cno,count1)
- from ts
- group by pcode,cno,count1
- having count(1) >= 2
- ) and id not in
- (
- select min(id)
- from ts
- group by pcode,cno,count1
- having count(1) >= 2
- );
1.任何情况下Select COUNT(*) FROM xxx 是最优选择;
2.尽量减少Select COUNT(*) FROM xxx Where COL = ‘xxx’ 这种查询;
3.杜绝Select COUNT(COL) FROM tablename Where COL = ‘xxx’ 的出现。(其中COL非主键)
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