select c.*
from dchngrouprolegrant c
where exists (select 1
from (select max(a.rowid) as row_id, a.group_id
from dchngrouprolegrant a
where exists (select 1
from dchngrouprolegrant b
where a.rowid <> b.rowid
and a.group_id = b.group_id)
group by a.group_id) t
where c.group_id = t.group_id
and c.rowid <> t.row_id);
for rec in (select a.group_id as group_id, count(a.group_id) as cn
from dchngrouprolegrant a
group by a.group_id
having count(a.group_id) > 1) loop
delete from dchngrouprolegrant a
where a.group_id = rec.group_id
and rownum < rec.cn;
end loop;
select a.rowid, a.*
from dChnToCUser a
where a.rowid in (select rid
from (select rowid rid,
row_number() over(partition by subs_id order by rn asc) rn
from dChnToCUser)
where rn <> 1)
select a.rowid, a.*
from dChnToCUser a
where a.rowid <
(select max(rowid) from dChnToCUser where subs_id = a.subs_id);
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